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Does anyone else feel like this?

Community Member
I feel like my mind is constantly thinking about everything and I can never relax. I even went to the gym today and I just couldn't switch off. It just makes me feel like I'm totally crazy. How do I not let my over thinking get the better of me and just let things be?
7 Replies 7

Community Member

Hello Maryjane93,

I guess it depends on whether you've got reason to be over thinking.

For example, if someone was in the middle of final exams, just discovered their boyfriend/girlfriend had been cheating on them, had a close friend or family member pass away and had their house broken into without being covered by insurance, then it's going to be virtually impossible to not be thinking about everything and "just let things be".

Community Member

Hi Maryjane, and welcome to Beyond Blue.

Firstly, let me reassure you that you are NOT going crazy. Overthinking is a very easy habit to get into when suffering from anxiety. And once our minds spin out of control with negative thoughts and emotions, its really difficult to stop. The more we think this way, the more habit forming it becomes.

Our minds, when overwhelmed with these thoughts, often leads to despair and sometimes panic. Meaning that overthinking can lead to depression or anxiety, and definitely makes it worse if you already suffer from either.

Next time you catch yourself overthinking try to distract yourself by starting some other activity that requires a bit of concentration. Unfortunately the gym doesnt really provide that. (-: Try something along the lines of watching a movie, calling a friend, reading, doing some art or craft.

Have you ever done meditation or mindfulness? Both are helpful for some people to provide some relief from overthinking. So read up about how its done, and see if it works for you.

Sometimes we need assistance from a counselor or therapist to help us become more aware of our thought processes and to determine ways of changing them to our benefit.

You havent said whether you have been officially diagnosed with anxiety. I would suggest that if you havent already spoken to your GP about it, that you do so. They may decide to put you on a Mental health plan where you are entitled to medicare funded psych visits.

I hope some of this information proves helpful Maryjane, and I hope you will post again to let us know how you're getting along.


Community Member

Hi Maryjane,

Totally understand where you are coming from. I have been suffering Health Anxiety for many many years. Sometimes my mind cannot escape negative thoughts so I push my self to get up and do something to take my mind off things. Some days are easier than others. I stuggle every day recently going to work but still get up and go every morning.

Community Member

Hi Maryjane93,

I find that writing in a journal really helps me gain clarity with my thoughts and once it's all out in my journal, I'm less obsessed with my thoughts. But I do think that sometimes thinking about things is good, because it helps to show us what we care about or maybe sheds light on what we should be prioritising, but if it's something trivial, I guess it's just best to occupy your mind with other tasks and things more important. Just recognise the thought as a separate part of yourself, as if you are observing a balloon floating higher and higher away from you, and the smaller the balloon gets, the less focus you should give to that thought or whatever you're overthinking about.

Hope that makes sense and helps you out a bit!

Gabby x

Hi Zacharie_E,

I don't have a reason to be overthinking really. All of it is worrying about trivial things or things that probably won't happen. I'm going through a rough patch at the moment and I lost my job a couple of months ago, so I guess that doesn't help.

Hi Taurus,

I have done meditation before but not for a while. I'll get back into it and see how I go. I'm also pretty interested in mindfulness aswell so I'll do some research on it.

I have officially been diagnosed with generalised anxiety and am currently seeing a psychologist. It has helped a bit but I think I've just been feeling really bad recently that I feel stuck. I've just stopped a medication and started a new one, so I think that's making me a bit all over the place.

Thankyou for your advice and I'll keep posting on my progress

Hi Gabby,

I agree with you that writing things down helps to gain clarity over thoughts. I write in my diary most mornings and that seems to help. I think when I'm overthinking though I often get so caught up in it that I don't even think to write in my diary. I'll give it a go the next time my mind is all over the place 🙂