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Dental Fear. Please help me!

Community Member

I was hesitant about posting on here but my fear is getting the better of me and I don't know what to do.

I'm having this massive fear when it comes to the dentist. I do suffer from anxiety in general which I think is making this so much worse.

I have bad teeth. My mouth is over crowded and my brushing habits weren't the best when I was younger. I haven't been to the dentist because of this fear for quite some years. Recently I have noticed my two top wisdom teeth have come through. They aren't painful at all and I didn't even realise they were there but I can see there isn't enough room for them to come down to the same level as my other molars. I have also now started to worry that I can see a small part of one on the bottom left of my mouth. There is no pain top or bottom. I'm terrified that they are going to need to be removed. I know I need to go to the dentist and see what is happening but just the thought of being told they need to be removed is scaring me.

My brain is just like panicking to find any way out of doing this.

If anyone has any advice or thoughts that may help me at all please it would be appreciated.

This fear is making me feel stupid.


5 Replies 5

Community Member

Hi JellJell,

Welcome to the forums 🙂

Thank you for posting. It is extremely brave of you and I commend you for doing so.

What you are going through is extremely common and you are not "stupid" for feeling the way you do. For many people, going to the dentist is a horrible experience and if you suffer from anxiety its a tough spot to be in.

I think it could be a good idea to mention how you feel to the dentist that prior to your visit for treatment, if in-fact, you do need to visit the dentist and have some work done. A few people I know have been in a very similar situation like what your experiencing at the moment. What helped them was becoming extremely comfortable with the dentist they were seeing and finding a dentist that they could relate to. Having an open discussion around the individual triggers of anxiety can help the dentist work with you to tailor a treatment plan for you might help!

If you do go ahead and see the dentist here a few things that may help if you will be having some work done:

- Slow, deep and steady breathing.

- Distract yourself with music during your appointment.

- Consulting with your dentist if your comfortable and it's medically appropriate to undergo treatment whilst under general anesthesia.

What your feeling is completely normal and I wish you all the best and hope some of what I typed is beneficial to you. Look forward to hearing from you.


Community Member

hello and welcome

this is something i suffer from too! oh my gosh it can be incapactiating cant it! the only way i seem to cope is by having a sedative/calmer. i spoke to my gp and she was able to give me ome mild sedatives to take before the appointment but you need someone to drive you there and back.

i went to the dentist recently and i discovered i need my wisom teeth removed. try not to panic about that, the jsut refer you to a specialist and often there are waiting lists. you can speak to the speacialist about yourfears if it comes to it.

Some dentists also use 'laughing gas' to help really nervous patients. you can enquire or most dentists have a website with this sort of information so might be worth doing some enquiring about something like that too.

good luck!

Community Member

Thank you both for responding to my post I really appreciate it.

Thank you for reassuring me these feelings aren’t stupid. As hard as my husband tried he does get to a point where he gets frustrated because I do tend to obsess about things when they are making me anxious.

with a sedative how does that work? I’ve read about sleep dentistry is it the same thing? Ive never been put under for anything in my life before so I’m a little apprehensive about it.

Did you end up getting your wisdom teeth out yet or just in the process? I was just wanting to know what the healing process is? And if you actually feel anything during? I’ve been doctor googling a lot lately which doesn’t help me at all just fills my head with misleading information

This is the thing I haven’t actually been told I need them out it’s just my brain and anxiety jumping to the worst conclusion.

I took the first step and got some dental insurance so once I get all my paperwork etc I will try to push myself to get to the dentist. Part of me is in a panic that everything is going to happen straight away at that first appointment and I just need to keep reminding myself yes they can tell you what’s wrong and what you need done but ultimately it’s up to me if I do it and it won’t happen straight away.

Thank you so much if feels good to hear I’m not crazy and others understand me.

Hi Jell

No, your feelings arent stupid at all. im not a medical professional and each persons rection is different but for me i got a mild sedative from my gp. it doesnt really put you to sleep like anaesetic, more just tones done all those nerves and axnieties so you can relax abit, generally if you close your eyes as well it helps. Laughing gas as they call is doesnt actually put you to sleep either again just a sedative to help you relax.

i havent gotten my wisdom teeth out as yet, i am on a waitlist currently as im through the public system. some dentitsts can take them out on the spot while others need oral surgury so i guess it depends on your circumstances as well. they wont force you to take them out all on the spot. you might choose to take them all ot at once or even just one tooth per session.

its best to wait and see though. do you think you could take the first step and jsut make the appointment?

Community Member

Hi JellJell,

Your feelings are definitely not stupid in fact they are quite common and I believe most people feel this way about dentists :D.

Like Starting said above, sedatives just relax muscle and nerves and make you feel more relaxed. It is possible to be placed under general anesthetic during the procedure but that will require you to receive medical clearance. It is always scary when people are required to receive anesthesia but I have had it many times and I am used to it now. I think this is an option you can explore if you feel comfortable doing so. Speak to your GP/Dentist and they will inform you of your options. You will be asleep for a short time, wake up and you would have felt nothing.

Keep us updated and I think booking the appointment if you feel comfortable doing so will give you great confidence and shows immense bravery and might be a big step to overcoming some of your concerns.

All the best,
