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Covid / Isolation

Community Member

Hello everyone

I have tested positive to Covid and am now in isolation with a small child and feeling pretty average. I'm feeling so guilty because I have no energy to keep my child entertained so they've been watching so much TV . I am also feeling anxious about the short and long term effects of Covid. I'm triple vaxxed and so I am disappointed that i'm still getting quite awful symptoms, really tired, fatigued, body aches, runny nose etc, especially because the booster made me really unwell.

I have health anxiety so this certainly isn't helping.

My husband is also positive but can work from home so is working all day today which means it's just me and my toddler all day today which I feel super overwhelming.

Any words of advice or wisdom? Please no anti vax comments, I'm just after support.

3 Replies 3

Valued Contributor
Valued Contributor

Hello Alotgoingon,

Welcome to the forum. You do indeed have a lot going on. A young child will keep you busy, enough to leave you tired at the end of each day, even at the best of times. It certainly won't be easy while you feel so unwell.

I want to point out, being unwell is not your fault. You have done everything you could , & were unfortunate in becoming infected anyway. I'm so glad you & your hubby are not so ill that either of you have had to be hospitalised.

As for how you are caring for your child, at the moment, if you are managing to feed, clean, & put your child to bed, when tired, & able to keep them from running out onto the street, then you are doing fine. So, they have extra TV time; it won't be forever.I think so long as your child is not tearing up the house, becoming overly distressd about your being sick, if they are still behaving as they normally would, I think they will be fine.

I don't know what to say about your hubby. I'm curious that, if he has symptoms too, he continues to work, even from home. I'd like to think he could take some time off, not only for himself, but to care for you & your child.

Of-course, call your GP for information about how having COVID-19 may effect you in the short or long term. If you are getting help to manage your health anxiety, then they would be a good support for you, too.

& please, feel free to chat here anytime.


Community Champion
Community Champion

Hi there,

I am sorry to hear that you have COVID, it must be tough. It's good that you are triple vaxxed - just imagine how bad your symptoms could be if you weren't. i try to remind myself when i am sick of the good times and things to look forward to when i get better. e.g. going back to work, in the case of covid - going out again, and seeing family/friends.

the long term effects of covid are not fully known yet, but i think the best thing you can try and do is to think positive (i know, easier said than done, especially when you feel ill), you're allowed to feel bad for yourself, but i find a little positivity can go a long way. being sick is not your fault, covid is rampant everywhere atm, and soon it'll settle and become the common flu (like the Spanish flu did 100 years ago). but it is important to be vaccinated, and it's great you are. you can breathe easier knowing you've done the right thing by yourself and the community.

i hope you feel better soon (mentally and physically), if you're not sure you can always contact your GP for reassurance.

jaz xx

Elizabeth CP
Blue Voices Member
Blue Voices Member
My son's family recently caught covid despite being very careful. His 10 yr old son caught it first (a week before he was booked for his vax. It then spread quickly through the family. The children felt rotton for a few days but recovered fully which seems fairly typical so I expect your little one will recover quickly with no ill effects. My DIL (triple vaxxed) felt much worse than my son (also triple vaxxed) He worked from home most of the time. He believes his wife was more affected because sick kids naturally turn to their mother particularly at night when they are really unwell. The symptoms only lasted a few days although my DIL felt tired for a bit longer after this. As son as my son was allowed out of isolation he took all his kids out of the house so his wife could have some time to herself to rest and recuperate from the ordeal of caring for kids while sick herself. None of them have any lasting problems. Once you are all recovered from Covid and out of isolation ask your hsb to give you a break while he entertains the kids away from you.