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Coping with loneliness

Community Member


I am finding it very difficult to cope with the current covid situation and feel more isolated than I should.

I live alone & all of my family live overseas. I have friends however due to the self isolation rules am not seeing them. I have not had any other interaction for over 2 weeks now and am finding it hard to find the motivation to get out of bed each day to follow the same routine and be on my own again.

i am looking for some help with how to manage this loneliness when I usually am a very social and busy person

12 Replies 12

Community Member

Hi there,

I understand how you are feeling. I live in a different state to all my family, boyfriend and friends as I moved here for work. I don't know when I will see them again which makes me upset some days, even though I am used to living away from my parents.

I don't have a strong support system here so I am listening to a lot of podcasts and calling home as often as I can! I know it is tough - please take solace in knowing you aren't alone in the feeling. This will eventually pass.

I make sure to exercise in the morning - it helps my mood.

all the very best

Community Member

I’m sorry you’re feeling this way - I’ve felt a little bit this way recently too.

I’ve found that setting up video call dates after work with friends gives me something to look forward and makes me feel less lonely. Also have signed up to deliver some groceries to those in need - that helped me feel more connected to others even though they are strangers.

Anyway just sharing what worked for me, this is a rough time for us all and wishing you all the best.

Community Member
When we are bored, we are made to face our emotions. Our emotions can be fears.

There are online therapy sessions or beyond blue specialists to call.

Once we feel our emotions and face our fears we all of a sudden don't feel alone.

Take the whole isolation as a way of cleaning the air. Seek support. Voulenteer. Do online courses as heaps are free or half price atm which will bring up the feelings of true worth. And also make you progress.

You've got this! And you are definitely not alone.