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Night time anxiety

Community Member
I'm waking up in the night with anxiety . Heart racing,
unable to go back to sleep properly. Residue headache
day and exhausted. How can I control this when my subconcious is ultimately
controlling this ?
5 Replies 5

Champion Alumni
Champion Alumni
Hi Sky73,

Welcome to the forums.

I hate nighttime anxiety! Luckily it doesn't affect me very often anymore, but its always awful to wake up anxious with no idea why its happened

I had some success with meditation before bed. I found that if I went straight to sleep after a stressful day I was more likely to have a night time panic attack. But when I took 10 minutes to meditate and calm my brain I often would sleep much better.

What helped the most is being on anti anxiety medication. I rarely have a nighttime episode now.

What do you do to try and get back to sleep? I used to get up and have a cup of chamomile tea while reading a book. It usually only took me 30 -60 minutes before I felt like sleeping again. I found I would get back to sleep alot easier this way than tossing and turning in bed.

Hope you get a good nights sleep soon.

Community Member
Thanks Jess I appreciate your detailed response . I haven't tried any medication but not sleeping and then working isn't good , so might be an option. I definitely am going to give meditation a go. I'm an over thinker so my mind doesn't turn off either . Thanks so much

Community Member
I am so much of an over thinker - I want to sleep at night but the minute I put my head on the pillow my thoughts start racing. If you haven’t slept for a while try listening to Insight Timer- an app which you can play sleep music - I swear by it

I also use this!

Another is practicing mindful meditation - I really like SmilingMind.

Hope this helps at least one person!

Community Member
Night time is when we tend to feel alone. Feeling alone is an emotion. Sometimes emotions are fears.

Speek to a professional or the beyond blue support line to find your trigger as once that is released you will find you can relax your mind and sleep.

You're not alone! And you've got this xx