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Confused and feeling lower than low - long post

Community Member

So I just need to vent and try to clear my mind a bit. I'm not even sure where to start.

Live had anxiety for many years off and on. It has always been around a fear of vomiting/diarrhea. Lately it's extended to other health issues but always centred on stomach type issues.

Constipation is nothing unusual to me, I've been that way for as long as I can remember. The past year or so I have been getting the odd loose owes movement which has probably caused the anxiety flare up. I have seen the doctor and had an X-ray and ultrasound which showed the colon is quite full so she said the loose bowel movements were more than likely caused by that. I thought I was happy having a diagnosis.

Ive also seen a naturopath as the herbal mixture she gives me has really helped in the past. the herbal mixture she gave me this time has "happy herbs" as well as some herbs to help the liver which in turn should help the bowels.

Yesterday my anxiety was extremely low and I was feeling great. I then went to the toilet for #2 which made me just a tad nervous. Long story short, I went 5 times in about 2 hours and each time got softer and each time made my anxiety worse. By the end of number 5 I was very anxious and had convinced myself something must be wrong. I had thoughts like I must be coming down with a stomach bug, this shouldn't be happening when I'm taking Metamucil twice daily etc. I tried my best to distract myself but half hour later I felt really nauseous and stood in the bathroom convinced I was going to vomit. I didn't and the nausea passed in 5 minutes or so. But almost as soon as the nausea passed I had a full blown panic attack. Heavy breathing, hyperventilating, crying, dizziness, tingling hands. Of course this passed too but I spent the rest of the day wondering if the nausea was part of the panic attack or something else.

I can't eat, I'm so tired, I'm sick of being so anxious every time I need to have a bowel movement. I'm sorry if this is too much info.

7 Replies 7

Blue Voices Member
Blue Voices Member

Hi Hardy - welcome to the forum. I'm impresed and pleased that you've had the courage to reach out here to get support for what must be a very difficult thing to discuss. Well done.

You're not alone, not by a long shot. Health-based anxieties or phobias (bearing in mind that phobias are a form of anxiety) are common. There are known phobias concerning diarrhea (diarrhea phobia) and vomiting (emetophobia). If you do some Googling you'll find more info.

It sounds to me that it would be worth investigating this from the angle of anxiety - what's going on in your mind rather than (or as well as) your digestive system. Can you talk to your doctor about this and perhaps get a referral to a psychologist. Maybe do some reading yourself first so you get a better picture of what might be happening and see if it feels like what you're experiencing.

A good psych can also help you work out what's underlying the anxiety - perhaps something from the past, unresolved emotions or fear etc. Worth trying mate.

Very best to you Hardy.


Community Member

Hi Hardy524,

Firstly, welcome the forums. This a tough one to post about I imagine so well done for that, Health anxiety is a interesting one which you will find many people suffer from.

I do understand where you are coming from to a degree, I have suffered from Health Anxiety various times in the past, mine was a fear of having a heart attack, I have generally always been overweight and any time I would get heart burn or indesgestion, I would think it was a heart attack, at one point I was at work and asked to go home because of the severe chest pains, I actually thought I was, I even rang my cousin to see if he would take me to the hospital, he didn't answer, so I went home and had a green tea and fell asleep, I was fine but I went and had blood tests and nothing came up, doctor said I was too young to have a heart attack. I ended up down the track working out my chest pains were stemming from my anxiety when I was home alone, not scared to be home alone in the usual sense, more so the anxiety of, if something happens like I do have a heart attack and I am home alone, who will help me, who will call the ambulance, So i would send myself into a panic which would cause the chest pain. It's amazing how anxiety triggers these things so I get where you are coming from. The doctor has told you by the sounds of it, you are fine health wise correct? Once you start I guess believing them, that's when it will calm down, I went for many second opinions until I worked out why I was so worried. Have you looked into seeing a psych to see if there is an underlying issue?

My best for you,


Community Member

Hi Hardy,

I am sorry to hear about this but I cant totally relate. I have had a fear of vomit since I can remember.

This happens to me frequently, I feel a weird sensation in my stomach and think 'I've got food poisoning' or 'I've caught a stomach bug', the rest of the day/night I will feel these symptoms until I fall asleep and its only until I wake up the next day and feel fine my anxiety subsides. Interestingly, I havent vomited in 16 years which probably plays a part into it.

Sometimes after realizing I am not going to vomit I have an anxiety attack. I dont know if its because I've been in such a high state of tension for a long period of time and my mind has a chance to focus elsewhere that anxiety creeps in. The only thing I do during this time is take long, deep breathes, try to distract myself by playing a game on my phone or doing something around the house. Sitting there thinking about it only makes it worse for me.

Hope this helps. x

Community Member

Hi Hardy,

Welcome to the forum!

I am glad you have taken the courage to post about your health anxiety, and these recent situations. Other forum members have given you great advice already, so I'll just add a few things.

I have had a vomit phobia since I was a child, so I can relate to the intense anxiety over nausea and associated bodily sensations. I'm sorry to hear that the distress is severe, and spiralled into panic yesterday.
In regards to seeing a naturopath, make sure you also see your doctor (GP) regularly. Natural remedies such as herbal ones don't necessarily have scientifically proven effectiveness. I used to see a naturopath due to low energy levels and digestive issues. As these symptoms were a result of my OCD/anxiety, seeing a doctor/mental health professional was more pressing.

I recommend that you go to your GP for a referral to a mental health professional.

Here are great online resources that I think you'd find helpful:

http://www.cci.health.wa.gov.au/resources/infopax.cfm?Info_ID=53 (health anxiety)

http://www.cci.health.wa.gov.au/resources/infopax.cfm?Info_ID=44 (panic)

http://www.cci.health.wa.gov.au/resources/infopax.cfm?Info_ID=46 (general anxiety)

I hope these responses have been helpful 🙂

Best wishes,


Community Member
Thank you, these links are great!

Community Member
Thank you everyone for your posts. Unfortunately I am still waiting to get an appointment with the Clinician at the anxiety disorders clinic. Every day is a struggle, some more than others but I'm soldiering on. I'm really hoping I get an appointment soon as I do feel somewhat worse. The anxiety seems to always be there, it just changes intensity.

Community Member

Hi Hardy524,

Keep soldiering on mate, I am sure you will get an appointment soon enough, I know it feels like it's taking forever too, that's anxiety for you. Every day is a struggle I understand that too. Believe it or not... this is going to make you stronger long term as well. Keep going mate.

My best for you,
