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Christmas party regrets and anxiety

Community Member

Hi all,

I had my work Christmas on Friday night.We had dinner at a restaurant which was fine, I moderated what I said and drank and felt like I keep it all together.

However I met some friends out at the pub afterward and got trashed. Not only was I incredibly drunk, my friend offered me a ritalin which I took. I then proceeded to get trashed. Then, most unfortunately, half of my colleagues turned up at that pub. Luckily not my bosses but still. I made an absolute foo of myself. The parts I remember are so awful, and there is a lot that I don't. We now have a break and will be back at work in January. I'm starting to feel incredibly anxious about going back because of my behaviour. I can't even think about without feeling ill. I'm so embarrassed by what I did and what I might have said to people I spend a lot of time with. I know I made really bad decisions but I'm just feeling so anxious I don't know what to do.

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Community Member


You would not be alone in this situation. Your probably also suffering from post drinking depression and anxiety. Remember alcohol is a depressant. I read an article on the beyond blue site called ‘ Anxiety after drinking and what you can do’. It explains a lot about that paranoia and anxiety after drinking.

I think you just need to look after yourself and when you get back to work own it.

If anyone comments, just tell them, yeah I didn’t know what happened that I drank so much, hope I didn’t offend you, I’m actually quite embarrassed about it. Apologise if you think you have offended someone.

There would be others who would of also been wasted especially if they kicked on to a bar.
If alcohol is causing you issues then that’s maybe something you could address.
Eat properly, exercise and look after yourself. Be grateful nothing worse happened like injuring someone or yourself.
Hope that dread passes. Take care.