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Choking feeling when anxious
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Hi all
Does anyone else experience a choking sensation during the worst of their anxiety? I feel like my throat is tight, and I'm choking on something, making it hard to breathe. I'm just wondering if other people have this issue, and what they do to get rid of it?
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Hi Kengy
I have the same awful sensation with my anxiety...like having my breathing restricted. The chest muscles will tighten and make it seem like we are 'choking' or unable to take a breath...
It may be little help but anxiety pumps adrenaline in and then the muscles tighten....There is nothing wrong with you physically at all.
I have had acute anxiety since 1983....and the good news is that anxiety does lose its 'grip' or power after a while. Its really just a 'feeling' even though its a rotten one....
Before the chronic anxiety 'kicks in' there are some great distractions to 'redirect' and extinguish the fear but it does take time...I was dill and didnt get regular counseling when my breathing got tight. I eventually saw a doc and a counselor every week for six months and they really helped give me my life back. Please post back about anything you wish when convenient
Good on you for being on the forums Kengy 🙂
My kind thoughts
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Hi Paul, thank you for your kind words 🙂 I've had anxiety on and off since 2004, with the most serious episode occurring last year. I'm currently medicated, which helps heaps, and I see a psychologist, but I'm beginning to wonder if I need to see a new one, as always talks about herself and her workload, not therapies like cbt etc!
I know there is nothing physically harming me when I get the choking sensation, it just feels so real, that I panic and start to think I'm actually choking. I guess I need to constantly remind myself during these episodes that I'm ok, and it's just my anxiety.
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I do feel a tightness in my chest when im anxious and feel like im not getting enough air. A lot of people experience various breathing issues when having anxiety attacks, and I can imagine a choking sensation is quite scary.
With my worst anxiety attacks it can feel like my throat is closing up, but I try and remind myself that if im breathing and air is getting to my lungs, then im not choking, its just anxiety.
Wishing you all the best!
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Hi Kengy
Thanks for the response. Well done on being on the meds..they can help us build a platform on which we can apply all the various coping skills. Like Overwatchdude mentioned the muscles around our chest constrict and then the breathing will be effected.
Even the abdomen can be an issue..being bloated can also make our breathing tighter. If I can ask you Kengy, how long have you been seeing your counselor? It can be hard when they stray off-topic like you mentioned.
My Best
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Hi 🙂
sorry for not replying, I don't get notifications, and I start a new job tomorrow, so I've been flat out preparing for that. Anxiety's physical symptoms are awful, it can be so hard to keep telling ourselves we're OK, it's just anxiety. It's what we need to do though.
in regards to my psychologist, I've been seeing her for nearly 12 months. A lovely lady, but doesn't seem to be teaching me any techniques. She also tells me about all of the things she needs to do for her other patients, it's a bit off putting. I guess I should look at seeing someone else.
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Hey Kengy
you reply when you have the time and are comfortable doing so 🙂 No apologies are necessary at all
I hope your first day went okay for you Kengy...and congrats to you on your new job too!
Here for you if you wish to have a chat about anything, even anxiety symptoms if you need someone to listen. When you are comfortable doing so of course
I hope your first day at your new job was good to you
My kind thoughts for you
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Hi Kengy,
Sorry that you've been struggling with anxiety and having that choking feeling; it's such an awful feeling!
It's great that you've recognised the choking feeling you've experienced isn't actually choking or damaging at all. Knowing this is a huge key to knowing that you are safe. What sort of techniques do you use when this happens? Focusing on your breathing can be very helpful in calming the body down. There are also things such as mindfulness and body scans/muscle tension and release exercises which can be helpful in calming the body's response to anxiety.
Another thing that can be helpful is recognising the things that you are telling yourself when you start to have that feeling. It's totally natural to automatically assume you would be choking. Sometimes it can be helpful to tell yourself the things that you know is true - things like "There is no food caught in my throat" - "I am safe" - "There is plenty of air in this room" - "I can feel my feet planted safely on the ground" - "I feel my heart pumping in my chest". These things sound very silly at first but what it does is help calm the fight/fight response in your body by recognising that you are grounded and safe.
I'm sorry to hear that your psychologist hasn't been helpful; it sounds incredibly unprofessional that she's talking about other clients when she's seeing you. I strongly encourage you to bring up how you're feeling (if she's a good psychologist she'll want to know so she can help you) or to get a referral to use someone else.
All the best with the new job; hope it goes well.
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Thanks for all your kind thoughts everyone 🙂 my new job has been amazing so far, the people are lovely, and it's a management position, which is new to me, but I'm slowly getting used to it.
I generally try controlled breathing when my anxiety makes me feel chokey, inhale, count to three, and exhale, and keep doing this until I calm down. I haven't tried muscle relaxation, but I think it will be very useful, so I'm going to look into it. I also love the idea of telling myself everything is fine, I'm not choking etc. I think I'll write down those words, and carry them with me, so I can read them to myself if I get an anxiety attack away from home.
In regards to my psychologist, im going to make an appointment with her asap, and ask her for help with techniques to combat my anxiety. If she doesn't teach me anything, I'll ask my GP for a referral to someone else.
i hope you all have a wonderfull nights sleep, and a good day tomorrow 🙂
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Hey Kengy
Well done on your new job....Its sounds like you deserve a management position. Kick back and remember that the people that you have working with you may be just as nervous and overthinking like you are (and me)
Here for you Kengy
Well done