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Car travel

Community Member
When travelling in a car I have an strange urge that I am going to fall out of the side I am sitting on. I also have a compulsion to want to open the car door. So far I have successfully managed to talk myself down everytime this occurs. I have no reason to want to hurt myself. I do not want to hurt myself. But the compulsion stays. I have panic attacks whilst travelling in a car, and end up covered in sweat and feel as though I am going to pass out. It has only occurred the past 10 months, I have been to Dr, Optometrist, Eye Specialist, had holtier monitoring, an MRI of the brain and nothing has given an answer of what is occurring. I feel as though I am going crazy as how can such a normal day to day thing cause me so much panic and anxiety. I also feel so alone as anyone I talk to just dismisses it or has no understanding. I just feel so lost and don't know what to do. Please has anyone else experienced this at all
I can't keep going like this, I'm so afraid I am going to become housebound.
3 Replies 3

Community Champion
Community Champion

Dear Icey~

Welcome here to the Forum, you have been thogh a very worrying time and very sensibly looked at a large variety of ailments, using the proper professionals -all of whom have come up negative.

There are a fair number of people here on the Forum who had intrusive or unwanted thoughts, and they can be about anything, including putting yourself in danger -for no discernible reason.

If you were interested you could Google

intrusive thoughts beyondblue

and see how many. Reading some might be a help.

May I suggest that if you have not done so already you talk to your doctor in terms of getting psychiatrist or psychologist that specializes in these.

The fact these thoughts appear is in no way related to your character or desires, they may be part of a mental health condition. The panic attacks may be similar to the ones Ive had which were due to an anxiety condition, which you will be glad to know is miles better

Beyond Blue has some information on panic attacks here, but hte best thing is a qualified professionals opinion


I hope to hear from you again, panic and anxiety respond to treatment, I think it highly unlike that (with treatment) you would end up housebound. If I can get better (with help) I'm sure you can too.


Community Member
Thank you Croix,
I earlier stumbled across some posts on intrusive thoughts throughout the forum. I am seeing my dr early next week (he is fantastic and thorough) for an unrelated incident so I will ask him then about this as a potential option for what I am experiencing.
I have previously been to a psychologist and taken anti anxiety medications for unrelated issues so am happy to explore this avenue again if need be.
Thank you so much for valifying me, it is a huge help to have someone understand that it is not all in my head, even though it is probably really all in my head.

Community Champion
Community Champion

Dear Icey~

I'm not going to even try to untangle that last sentence:)

I think you are taking a very sensible approach and I'm sure you will find your inquiries bear fruit.

Please let us know how you get on. Incidentally please relate the worst of your experiences, as well as the average ones, your medical team need to know fully what they have to deal with. An urge to open the car door sounds pretty bad, you may have others.
