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- Cant handle it anymore
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Cant handle it anymore
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I cant stop shaking and panicking constantly. On the verge of panic attacks constantly. Ive had them before in the past.
Been having a lot of trouble sleeping. I went and visited a doctor and they said they wont give me anything to sleep so i'm living off of 3 hours sleep every-night which is affecting my work and daily life in general. I feel so weak all the time. I know this is probably all just caused by anxiety but i'm honestly not sure whats causing it.
Im booked in to see a psychiatrist and psychologist but not until the new year and i'm not sure how i'm going to last til then.
If anyone has some advice or anything to help that would be appreciated, thanks
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Thanks for posting tonight on the Beyond Blue forums,
We're sorry to hear how anxious you've been feeling. We can imagine feeling so anxious would be keeping you up at night which would then lead to feeling even more anxious and unwell. This must be very difficult for you. It's great to hear you've booked in to see a psychiatrist and psychologist. We're sure they'll have some advice and strategies to help you manage your feelings of anxiety.
If you haven't done so already, we'd recommend reading through the resources on our website. We have a lot of information around managing anxiety, we'll link some articles below: If you feel that it would be beneficial to you to talk through your feelings with a counsellor, please, contact the Beyond Blue Support Service anytime on 1300 22 4636 or get in touch with us on Webchat 3pm-12am AEST here: www.beyondblue.org.au/getsupport. Please check in and let us know how you are whenever you feel up to it.
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Hi Jarred,
Sorry you are feeling this way I understand anxiety can be difficult to deal with.. I suffered with severe anxiety OCD and have now recovered thanks to the help I received from health professionals.
I also had trouble sleeping when my anxiety was high.
I understand you are going to see a psychologist and a psychiatrist that’s great I’m sorry you have to wait so long.
When my anxiety was severe my gp put me on a antidepressant to help me to manage my anxiety.. this took time to work and I learned many strategies for anxiety.
Have you ever tried meditation? I found it great.
Try to exercise and practice mindfulness.
Youll get through it ….. I understand how debilitating it is…being with people helped me also.
If it feels it’s get worse please go back to your gp so you can discuss.
We are here as a community to support you.
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Hi there Jarred and thanks for your post!
I see that Sophie_M has suggested some links to explore with coping strategies, and Petal22 has also responded.
I feel for you as these symptoms must be horrible to experience so constantly. You have taken an encouraging first step by booking in some professional advice. Of course I am not at all qualified to give you advice, just a couple of suggestions as like everyone on this forum, I'd like to help if possible.
It seems you brain might well be working overtime with sending stress hormones to the rest of your body. I wonder what it is that might be causing your unease or uncertainty?
If you are able to perhaps come close to identifying what it is and share it with us, we may be able to help a little bit. It matters not how trivial any issue may seem, if it bothers you it is able to be discussed.
When I was hit by panic feelings over the years I found a song that really helped me. Its the old Doris Day song called 'Ke Sera Sera, what ever will be, will be, the future's not ours to see etc'. By using the words for the chorus and singing them to myself over and over like a kind of mantra, it seemed to work like meditation.
I always feel calmer after this song as it sticks in my brain and I hum it for ages.
We can't really control the future, but can prepare better for whatever might happen by relaxing into it and taking an 'If it happens, it happens' type of approach.
After all, what's the worst that can happen? life goes on and there is every chance you will look back on this in time to come and see it at a learning experience, a speed bump that set you on a better course to self belief.
I am very happy to discuss at any time Jarred28, just get back to us if you want to.
Hope this has helped a little bit.
All the very best, The Bro