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Bloating, loose bowel pain in stomach

Community Member

My symptoms started mid April during the Coronavirus. I was coping well in the beginning of the virus, cooking different foods every day and cleaning etc then all of a sudden, I thought is this all there is to do? Then I got diarrhea on and off for a few weeks, then bloating, pain in my groin area, every time I breath in, then stabbing pains like electric shocks all over my body and I mean everywhere. The latest symptom is gagging and going off my food. I don’t want to talk to my daughter or my sister or anyone for that matter. I don’t answer my phone and then they phone my husband and tell him I am not answering my phone. Drives me nuts. I just started to get my bowels back into order and then after talking to them, I had very lose bowels after talking to them. I am always fearful of what they are going to say to me. When people are well and normal they just seem to me to prattle on, to difficult to listen too. I know they are good intentioned. I wish I could cry or scream it might make me feel better.

I really don’t want to do anything and I just want to stay in bed or watch tv. I think one of the problems is that we are moving into a new house we have built and I do not want to participate, because every time we move I finish up hurting myself or falling over or knocking myself. I am not young but I am usually a very vital person. I used to do 3 exercise classes a week and with the Covid19 that stopped, it used to keep me sane. Now I am only packing stuff up and moving light things into the house.

I must say I have never been suicidal, I don’t drink coffee or tea, only Digest or camomile with honey. I only have the occasional sherry but at the moment, I am not drinking. I use Kombucha, water and kefir. I am getting about 6 hours sleep at night, so although it is not 8 hours, it is adequate.

I know this will pass but at the moment I do not want to get up. The pain and stress in my stomach is less when I am laying down. I know I am going to have to face the day sooner or later.

I have seen my GP and he suggested I see a psychologist but I said I would rather see a psychiatrist. That will not happen. I will see him again next week and get a referral to see psychologist, although I don’t believe they can help me. Psychiatrist get to the bottom of the problem.

I believe writing this has made me feel that I have a voice to say how I am feeling without negative feedback. Thank you!

3 Replies 3

Hi Rosco2020,

Welcome to the forums! We're glad to see that it was already helpful for you to write out what you're going through. We understand that moving house can be a very stressful time, and it sounds as though you've also been struggling in the pandemic. Please know that our community is here to support you and we will get through this. 
  It's great to hear that you've been proactive in seeking help and are seeing your GP for a referral. These symptoms sound quite painful and it's important to seek medical advice. If you feel it might be useful, we'd encourage you to visit our Coronavirus Mental Wellbeing Support Service. The website will be regularly updated with information, advice and strategies to help you manage your wellbeing and mental health during this time. 

Hopefully a few of our members will pop by to welcome you and offer support. If you would like to post further, please tell us more about what's on your mind and how we can best help you get through this tough period.

Community Member

Hi Rosco2020,

Great to see you reaching out here and sorry you have been so much trouble with your stomach and the extra stress you are facing as a result of it. Moving house and not being able to exercise in your normal way are really big changes. Compounded with the stress of COVID and all the restrictions, it sounds like a really tough time. I can also personally relate as I too have been having some stomach issues this year and they are quite upsetting. When you body starts rejecting some of the foods you once ate normally, it is an experience that feels very powerless. You are not alone.

The mind and gut have strong connections and there are lots of reading and resources about this connection. Some people even refer to the gut as 'The Second Brain' and there is a book all about it. I haven't read the book myself but it has a lot of great reviews.

Seeing your Doctor this week is a really good idea. I wonder if you have kept a bit of a record of all your symptoms and when the pain and symptoms are better or worse in the day and even a list of the foods you are eating each day. Sometimes doing this over a few weeks can be really helpful to be able to look for patterns and triggers. Seeing a psychologist will allow you to have some space to talk about the stresses you're having which can also help. I also wonder if you could do some exercise classes from like YouTube. I have been doing a lot of online fitness lately which has helped during Isolation but understand, its not for everyone.

I wish you the best luck at your appointment this week with your Doctor. As you mentioned that writing here helped and if you feel up to you, please tell us more of your story or how your appointment went.

Sending you strength,

Nurse Jenn

Community Member
I would try giving the fermented foods a miss for awhile. I have trouble with fermented foods when anxiety is bad and stick I with a low fodmap diet but alway best to check with your GP dietician because you're no suppose to be on it for a long amount of time. I have also found gentle yoga or pilates helpful, and generally exercising to get the body tension out. It's a tough time with the lock down and hard to get back out again I understand. My anxiety has gotten far worse after being at home for such a long time.