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Need support, I feel doomed.

Community Member

Hi all. It's 5am, my mind is racing and I'm in pain (literally) so here I am rambling on bb.

I haven't had much sleep in weeks. Had painful boils for a week, and now multiple toothaches. All that amid worries of covid19, unemployment, and poor health. Lost my job in March due to covid19. My wife now works 3 times a week, and will probably lose her job as well.

I can no longer afford Psychiatry so I no longer medicate, now depression, anxiety, and bad memories are feeding on my psyche. I can't afford dental care either so I'm taking pain killers by the hour everyday. The lack of sleep is making me sickly.

I don't see any hope that my life will ever be alleviated from this state. Worst of all is I have no friends to support me. Family and friends(aquaintances) couldn't care less.

3 Replies 3

Dear Randlo,
Thank you for your contribution to the Beyond Blue forums. We are sorry to hear that you're in pain and that your usual support is no longer available to you, that would be incredibly difficult.
Our community is here for you. If you'd like to talk these feelings through please, contact us anytime on 1300 22 4636 or get in touch with us on Webchat 3pm-12am AEST here: www.beyondblue.org.au/getsupport

Champion Alumni
Champion Alumni

Hi Randlo

The current situation really has had such a huge impact on all of us and some of us are just plain fighting to survive. It is just so hard and I am sorry that you are going through this too. I am wondering if you did make a call to your doctor and asked them if they are able to provide you with some support seeing that you do need these medications and appointments but are struggling financially? Is there a community dentist that could assist with an appointment, it cannot hurt to ask I know alot of services are really responding to the communities needs right now and understanding how hard it is hitting people.

It is really tough and if you could just get one or two things of your list of pain, that could make a really big difference to you, do you think Randlo? I hear you in that your family are not supporting you and this is tough too, being made to feel like they don't care is hurtful.

I am so proud of you for reaching out here to get some support, we do care, an awful lot so I hope you can come back and to chat some more.

Hugs to you Randlo


Community Champion
Community Champion

Dear Randlo~

Welcome back, it has been I think 3 years since I remember reading your story . Your schooldays sounded horrible, but you dealt with them despite the most difficult of circumstances, being bullied. A real feat of strength.

As you say you changed a bit then, and now, over 20 years later are still suffering the effects, on top of unemployment. You still seem to have sleeping problems, or did the come back more recently?

Psychiatrists are expensive and it is not surprising you cannot afford one, however a GP can prescribe, and perhaps continue on with your medication, or find some other way, maybe a MH plan, to allow you to get the treatment you need?

Do you think you can find a bulk-billing doctor that might help?

In relation to therapy, perhaps the free organisation (government backed) called the Mindspot Clinic may be able to help. The have therapeutic courses for anxiety, depression and other conditions, report back to your GP and use qualified staff



Not an ideal situation to be on-line, but can be quite effective and you do have the option to talk with a clinician during the course.

Dental treatment is hard to come by, and outpatients at a hospital are the only way I know, however I've no real idea. I would suggest you ring our 24/7 Help line on 1300 22 4636 and ask if they know of any such facilities operating in your area, you never know.

You mentioned games and guitar playing to fill the time, do you still do these?

I'm sorry to hear your family and freinds are not being sportive. Feeling isolated is horrible and just make thngs worse. Is there no one who might care but has remained silent?

You know you are always welcome here
