
Anxiety is the most common mental health condition in Australia. Share your own story and learn about other member’s experiences with anxiety.


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BeyondBlue Hi! Check out this post if you're not sure how to start
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Hi there and welcome to the Anxiety section of the Forums First of all, thank you so much for joining us here. We think it’s amazing that you’ve taken this step to getting support and learning from this Community. You are very welcome here and we are... View more

Hi there and welcome to the Anxiety section of the Forums First of all, thank you so much for joining us here. We think it’s amazing that you’ve taken this step to getting support and learning from this Community. You are very welcome here and we are really interested in what you might want to add to these conversations. We get it, having anxiety makes it hard to share in a public place. Remeber, this is anonymous and the Beyond Blue team are here to help if you need it This section is for people who are experiencing anixiety in some form in their lives. This might be in social settings, at work, or just in the day to day. You don’t need a diagnosis to post here. If it feels like the right spot for you post, go right ahead! We know that feeling anxious can make it hard to reach out so we want you to know that getting this far is amazing and a great start. A few tips for getting the most out of this section: Get involved when you can! Posting and replying is the heartbeat of this community and you DO have something worthile to share (when you’re ready ) Every experience is different. There is no competition here. We know how challenging anxiety can be and how it comes in all shapes and sizes. What you are experiencing will be respected and supported here. Trust yourself! You are the expert in your experience. This community works because people like you share what has worked for you. Thank you for getting involved and taking a look. We can’t wait to hear from you! Beyond Blue

All discussions

steviewonder87 feeling alone and unhappy with who i am
  • replies: 2

Hi all this is Steven here and I don't know what to do anymore. I feel like my happiness is slowly going away and all that is left is hurt and pain. Starting to be ashamed at the person I am. My aniexty that I have I thought I could mange and be alri... View more

Hi all this is Steven here and I don't know what to do anymore. I feel like my happiness is slowly going away and all that is left is hurt and pain. Starting to be ashamed at the person I am. My aniexty that I have I thought I could mange and be alright with but today something so simple happen that really hurt me and made me upset. To anyone who knows me they think it be silly but its not. I have been in a battle with this all my life but these last few years have been the best but this year as it comes to an end has been the worst year for me. I lost the love of my life. My first real relationship and I feel it was because of the person I am. From that my heart has been shattered and my happiness has not been the same. All I have now is this hurt and pain. I feel like my dream of wanting to get married and have family is never going to happen now. I am going to be alone rest of my life that's how it feels. Nothing I feel as much as I try and try as I have I still dealing with this and it a battle that I just don't know how to handle anymore. I don't want this anxiety anymore. I don't want to be shy and quit anymore. I want someone special to love me and who would want to build something special with. I want to be happy overall. Just don't know what to do anymore.

CarolynJ New Here and really need to vent.
  • replies: 7

Hello all, Sorry but I really need somewhere to vent before I go completely insane. I am subletting a room in my home to a lesbian couple (they have been here only 3 weeks) and they are already sending my anxiety off the charts. They were told No pet... View more

Hello all, Sorry but I really need somewhere to vent before I go completely insane. I am subletting a room in my home to a lesbian couple (they have been here only 3 weeks) and they are already sending my anxiety off the charts. They were told No pets and conned me into the dog staying (unless he caused a problem with my cats) I don't like dogs as they are noisy and messy and my Landlord doesn't like dogs either. They also brought their cat (which apparently was meant to live in their car) both animals are now occupying my outdoor entertaining area, along with Housemates boxes, bags, etc which they were told to store in the shed. They drink all of my milk (I have purchased 18 litres in the last 3 weeks compared to their 6 litres) I only use milk in coffee, have eaten a 4 ltr tub of ice cream, polished off a box of breakfast cereal that hadn't been opened, scratched 2 of my good non stick pans and asked for $60 off the rent last week so they wouldn't be short. I get home from work tonight and find out they have used my Xtra Virgin Olive oil mixed with vegetable oil to refill my deep fryer. They have their own bedroom and use of the bathroom and toilet (I have an ensuite) but they have suitcases in the bathtub so even if I wanted to use it I can't. I'm sick of them eating and drinking my food (they have bought some of their own and eaten all of that also) I have 2 fridges, I told them I cleared one out for them to use but they continue to use things from my fridge. I can't afford to kick them out at present but I don't know how much more I can take. I can't eat or sleep properly due to anxiety and stress caused by housemates, work and losing my License for 6 months because of a DUI (stupid mistake, 1 drink too many and followed an intoxicated friend home) I also have an undiagnosed medical issue which has been stressing me out for over 12 months. Specialist can't find a cause for muscle wastage in my right hand Thumb after numerous tests. I get the shakes, feel nauseous and have difficulty getting to sleep but wake before 6am. What can I do to try and calm my stress and anxiety, I don't want to go back on medication Thanks for any assistance.

Durras My First Support Group Meeting for Recovery HELP!
  • replies: 4

Hi all, I'm getting ready for my first support group meeting at Grow. I'm going by myself and feeling very nervous and anxious. I know I need this support and know it is vital for my recovery with depression and anxiety and also with my dependence on... View more

Hi all, I'm getting ready for my first support group meeting at Grow. I'm going by myself and feeling very nervous and anxious. I know I need this support and know it is vital for my recovery with depression and anxiety and also with my dependence on alcohol. I have been feeling strong since I first acknowledged myself with having depression on Monday, I found this website and the forums have been giving my a lot of help, I've ordered a book online Managing Depression with Mindfulness for Dummies and found this Grow support group but still I'm feeling really nervous about speaking out in person and letting everything out. Its safe to do it here on line but actually in front of people I'm really scared. I've never been comfortable around people unless I have alcohol in my system first. Anyone with some advice would be much appreciated. Thanks Durras

Chicken_Wings How do you do it?
  • replies: 3

I think I need a change in strategy because my anxiety is kicking my butt. i wake up every morning and it's there like a bad smell, lingering and unwanted. This is my current routine: wake up between 4:30 & 6am try relaxation breathing in bed to get ... View more

I think I need a change in strategy because my anxiety is kicking my butt. i wake up every morning and it's there like a bad smell, lingering and unwanted. This is my current routine: wake up between 4:30 & 6am try relaxation breathing in bed to get back to sleep get up and go to lounge, listen to guided meditation sessions Try to get a little more sleep on couch if I have time go for a quick walk force myself to get ready go to work I do all this and I still end up going to work really anxious. Sometimes on the way I even cry in the car.mon weekends I can take a little more time with it and the walk can be longer, but the results are the same. so I was wondering what sort of routine others have found helpful so I might try it.

ND1234 Relationship Anxiety
  • replies: 5

Hi everyoneI'm a first time poster on this site but I really wanted to get some advice.I'm a 28 year old guy and I've suffered from anxiety for most of my life. It started by manifesting as homesickness when I was a kid, then it turned in whatever el... View more

Hi everyoneI'm a first time poster on this site but I really wanted to get some advice.I'm a 28 year old guy and I've suffered from anxiety for most of my life. It started by manifesting as homesickness when I was a kid, then it turned in whatever else I couldn't be certain about.Now it has settled on my relationship. I've been with my girlfriend for 6 months, but we have really been together for a year (we met, got together and then she travelled for 6 months). She's wonderfully affectionate when we are together but she is also incredibly driven and has explained to me on numerous occasions that when she works, she has blinders on to the world. I've never been with a girl is this independent and someone who really does need their own space.The problem is, my anxiety has grabbed hold of every element of uncertainty about my relationship. My gf is having a very rough time at the moment as her job future is uncertain, she's living with her folks and she constantly fights with her Mum and one of her best friends just tried to harm himself (I don't know the details). But because she has become distant my anxiety has convinced me that there is something else wrong. We saw each other two weeks ago and it was amazing and incredibly affectionate. But the moment that changes I can't think about anything else! I can't eat, there is literally no food that I want and the thought of eating makes me feel sick.The only thing that takes the edge of is alcohol. I drink far to much, but it's the only thing that takes the edge of the anxiety. I am also on an antidepressant and I see a therapist, but I can't get these issues out of my head. To the point where if I sent her a message and she responded in a way that wasn't what I wanted, I freak out!I want to be able to focus on my own things and not have this anxiety keep me compulsively thinking about 'what if' there is a problem with my relationship.I would really appreciate any advice and support from you guys, I have found reading forums very helpful. If someone has had a similar experience, please let me know, I would love to talk about it.Thanks guysND

Manda85ballarat Fear of doctors
  • replies: 4

Hi I'm new to this forum, I have a totally irrational fear of going to the doctors. I have a phobia of needles due to a fainting incident 15 years ago. I have a spot I need to get checked and of course I am now jumping to the worst possible scenario.... View more

Hi I'm new to this forum, I have a totally irrational fear of going to the doctors. I have a phobia of needles due to a fainting incident 15 years ago. I have a spot I need to get checked and of course I am now jumping to the worst possible scenario. I guess I am just wondering how to get myself there as I am so scared not even my husband can get me there. what do I do?

Chicken_Wings Health Anxiety
  • replies: 10

I was just wondering for anyone who has experienced anxiety around their health, what can you do other than getting your brain scanned to convince you that you don't have a tumor, or getting fully tested to convince you that you aren't developing dem... View more

I was just wondering for anyone who has experienced anxiety around their health, what can you do other than getting your brain scanned to convince you that you don't have a tumor, or getting fully tested to convince you that you aren't developing dementia? I basically imagine the most extreme possible reason for something that I am experiencing and that's it, I'm convinced thats what I've got. Like at the moment, I'm noticing that my memory isn't as good as I'm expecting it to be, so therefore I must have something wrong with my brain. Or I noticed that I am more aware of my top lip than I normally am and just like that, I'm about to get mouth cancer.

thedeadlycake On How A Good Thing Can Lead to a Bad Place
  • replies: 3

This is a very tricksey trick of the anxious brain. You can start out full of inspiration and good intention and end up in full blown anxiety - the type that starts drifting really quickly towards depression. I've been spending more and more time thi... View more

This is a very tricksey trick of the anxious brain. You can start out full of inspiration and good intention and end up in full blown anxiety - the type that starts drifting really quickly towards depression. I've been spending more and more time thinking about what it is I really want to do with my life. I am really committed to the idea of helping other people who are similar to me make that first step in getting help and living a life that isn't dictated by their anxiety. I've been joining websites and forums and filling in volunteer application forms where ever I can find opportunities. Normally I would find an excuse not to do this but I have pushed through and done it anyway. The problem is that good intention is quite rapidly turning to frustration. I am yet to actually find something I can do. The ideas I have I am just not in a position to get out to an audience wider than my FB friends. I'm not in a position to make a difference at work. I've been listening to podcasts and reading about some really inspirational people who have made a real difference in their lives and I start to think I will never do this. My anxious brain tells me I am not good enough to do anything more with my life. Some of the people I've listened to have done great work from leadership roles. Something I can't see anyway of getting into again. Frustration makes me want to scream. I really feel like I could be doing good but I just don't know how. I am reaching out but not getting any answers. I've caught myself feeling like this and it is really interesting how quickly the anxious brain can turn inspiration and positivity into frustration. Almost as if it just wants to fuel anxiety and depression. Even as I write I realise I need to cultivate patience. I need to recognise the trickesy brain and have some faith in myself to find an opportunity. The brain is trying to make me frustrated so I will just give up. But I won't let it. Mindfulness can be like a super power but at the moment I think mine is less trained than it could be. I was quite far into this particular piece of suffering before I recognised it for what it is. It's is interesting that at the moment the default mode of my brain is to lean towards anxiety and depression. Self-sabotaging even good intention and positivity. I hope with more engagement in more formal mindful practice I can really begin the process of rewiring my brain to the point where the default mode is positive!

Chicken_Wings Dreams
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I had a bad dream last night and I've noticed that I get them more when I'm more anxious. Just wondering if this happens to other people too? Mine tend to be about someone getting hurt, or bad guys out to get me, things like that. I woke up this morn... View more

I had a bad dream last night and I've noticed that I get them more when I'm more anxious. Just wondering if this happens to other people too? Mine tend to be about someone getting hurt, or bad guys out to get me, things like that. I woke up this morning and went for a walk to shake it off.

Jasperw I've suffered from anxiety for what seems like my whole life
  • replies: 5

Hi, I'm Jasper, I'm new to this forum so I'd like to share some of my experiences. I'm 25 years old and male. I've suffered from anxiety for what seems like my whole life, but it turned into "disorder" when I started having panic attacks back in high... View more

Hi, I'm Jasper, I'm new to this forum so I'd like to share some of my experiences. I'm 25 years old and male. I've suffered from anxiety for what seems like my whole life, but it turned into "disorder" when I started having panic attacks back in highschool (around 2007). I have also suffered bouts of depression here and there but the anxiety has been the main concern. After I started having panic attacks I saw a GP and a therapist right away, but didn't try any medication cause I was told it would only offer temporary relief and I wasn't interested in that - I wanted to never have a panic attack again! I was dianosed with a combination of Panic Disorder and GAD (plus a bit of OCD and social anxiety thrown in for good measure!). The therapist introduced me to CBT, Mindfulness meditation and breathing techniques, but while I know these things can be effective I was so caught up at the time in trying to prevent my anxiety that I tried to use these things as a preventive measure to combat anxiety, which of course just made it all much worse and i because even more anxious when I discovered these things couldn't prevent anxiety attacks (not that they can't help fix them in the long term). So after trying and trying and failing and failing I gave up all hope of recovery lived with my condition without seeking any further help for many years, until I saw a doctor who gave me some meds. It was good to talk to someone again, so I eventually saw another therapist, then a different one. Then I started reading books. But I didn't really start to feel a lot better until I found a therapist who taught me some really groundbreaking ideas. The material he used goes by different names (belief system therapy, effective counselling, the fountainhead method), but it's all about looking deep at the many beliefs you hold which are governing how you are looking at life. It has helped me see things much clearer, but recovery will be a long process as I have spent many years having severe panic attacks daily. I joined this forum because I thought it might be helpful for me to interact with other people who might have experienced something similar, and maybe offer some of the things I have learnt. All the best, Jasper PS (sorry for length I might have got carried away)