
Anxiety is the most common mental health condition in Australia. Share your own story and learn about other member’s experiences with anxiety.


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Chris_B Forums etiquette: give support to receive support
  • replies: 0

Hi everyone, particularly any new members who may be reading. From time to time, we get contacted by members who are unhappy that they haven’t received a lot of replies to their posts. Our community champions work very hard to make sure that all newb... View more

Hi everyone, particularly any new members who may be reading. From time to time, we get contacted by members who are unhappy that they haven’t received a lot of replies to their posts. Our community champions work very hard to make sure that all newbies are welcomed when they first post, and we understand that it’s a big step to post for the first time on a forum like this, especially if you aren’t feeling great. It’s important to remember, though, that these forums are a community of real people, just like you, not a one-on-one support environment like going to see your psychologist. To get the best out of being here, one of the best tips we can offer is give support to receive support. Being a good community member means: participating in different threads (not just your own), replying to people who have taken the time to reply to you (even if it’s just to say thank you), and... posting words of emotional support and encouragement when you see others who are hurting and reaching out. You don’t have to feel obliged to solve the problems of others: that’s not what we’re here for. But you can offer empathy and what you’ve learned from your own life experiences, even if it’s just a line or two, eg. “I don't know what to say, but I want to give you my support and tell you I care about what is happening to you and hope life will get better soon.” Try to develop an interest in the journeys of others here on the forums. You may be surprised at how good being an active, caring member here can make you feel. For those of you who have had good experiences giving support here on the forums, please post in this thread here and let us know how it has helped you on your journey.

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jd03 Frustrated
  • replies: 7

Hi all…so I’m not sure if this happens to anyone else but I keep going through phases where people (literally everyone frustrates me so much). Like I actually cannot deal with people and no matter how hard I try I get so irritated. So I have to eithe... View more

Hi all…so I’m not sure if this happens to anyone else but I keep going through phases where people (literally everyone frustrates me so much). Like I actually cannot deal with people and no matter how hard I try I get so irritated. So I have to either hold my tongue or just isolate myself which then messes with my mental health. I think this happens when I’m stressed or restricted in saying things (have something I want to say) but I really don’t know. Is this just me or does this happen to other people too? It’s very annoying because even my family frustrates me so much for no reason sometimes…although I think this may stem from my younger (and youngest) sibling being the favourite and being babied a lot. Anyway, any thoughts as to what this might be, and does this happen to anyone else? Just want to know that I’m not alone…suggestions for how to deal with this also appreciated. Thank you

Conwa71 Anxiety
  • replies: 1

Hi I had a bout of workplace anxiety over 15 years ago within the community services sector. It took time to get over it, but I worked through it. Now in 23 it has come back. There has been the same consistent workplace stress. However there have bee... View more

Hi I had a bout of workplace anxiety over 15 years ago within the community services sector. It took time to get over it, but I worked through it. Now in 23 it has come back. There has been the same consistent workplace stress. However there have been significant home events with a child in the last few years and with their own intense challenges. With a renovation and work with overtime. Recently my normal coping skills coupled with home life and keeping everything else in check. I have very limited coping skills with even small things. Even with my child with their significant issues. I have been so tight cheated and wanting to escape everything. As a Dad with a family I know I can't quit for a better word. I just don't know how to make myself feel better. I don't want to come across as a whinger but I just don't know. It's impacting silently with me. Appreciate any insights, I know it could be said with the offload thing but I can't off load my family.

squid-face what's your favourite way to chilllllllllllll ouuutttt? ^_^
  • replies: 6

I'm looking for inspiration! what do you do to bring your anxiety down/ground you in the moment? living with racing intrusive thoughts is nothing new to me, but the past couple of days have been horrific! like it's been turned up 1000% endless endles... View more

I'm looking for inspiration! what do you do to bring your anxiety down/ground you in the moment? living with racing intrusive thoughts is nothing new to me, but the past couple of days have been horrific! like it's been turned up 1000% endless endless images and sounds and thought spirals about the end of the world, climate change, nuclear war, my family's safety/health, my future, germs, my health/safety it is just relentless and is so much worse than normal I feel like I'm going insaneeeeee haha so, I thought I'd reach out to you sweet chickens for some ideas! what do you do to bring your anxiety down/ground you in the moment? of course there's the classics we all know so well: do some mindfulness have a bath journal go for a walk etc etc etc blaaahhhhh bla blahhgghasdfghjkl...I mean those are great! they're classics for a reason! but I suppose I'm just curious to see if anyone has any other little personal hacks? tips? tricks? insights? comments? thoughts? advice? I'd love to know what little bits of magic are swimming around in our collective lived experience brains can't wait to hear your thoughts!I'm off to eat a pie, talk later! x

Elephant86 The beautiful power of women
  • replies: 1

We as a society underestimat the true potential that women bring to the economy. There are total industries that rely on the female work force and I feel they are not totally appreciated for there contribution to our life as a man I respect and am gr... View more

We as a society underestimat the true potential that women bring to the economy. There are total industries that rely on the female work force and I feel they are not totally appreciated for there contribution to our life as a man I respect and am gratful for my mum and the guidance of my sister these many wonderful years. There are industries like child care, nursing and all the caring profession that as a society we can't live without. I think there are not enough women CEO's. There is also work that needs to be done on the domestic violence front . The first rule in life is respect your parents and especially your mum because she looked after you and kept you safe from all the harm that would harm you. Women now drive the world economy. Globally, they control about 20 trillion dollars annually. That figure could climb higher as we develope as an economy. A womens place is not in the home it is equal or even more important then a man. We as a society need to treasure the benifits that women bring to the home and the work place because we could live without them. I beleive we need to work on the gender pay gap as a society we are judged as a society for how we treat the most vunerable and most importantly how we treat women. We must make sure that our girls in school are highly educated so they can walk there path with pride and dignity. I beleive it is a womens chioce and her decision alone with the guidance of her parents to the decisions they make in life. There should be more university places avalible to women. There needs to be more child and family friendly work places where women can drop of there kids and go to work safely with them having peice of mind and job security. Women need to be given the freedom to live in peace and harmony to prosper and to grow to reach there full potential in life. To women in years gone by was a disadvantage but it doesn't have to be that was women are powerful and brilliant at the same time and they have the strength to be successful in the board room and the home we must be gratful for the gift that our mothers and sisters give to us. To this day I still seek my sisters council for important matters. Teaching boys respect for women at a young age is imperitive to there development as good strong powerful respectful men. You could be the most powerful man in the world but if you don't respect women as a rule you will not be ultimately successful. Women need to realise there full and powerful potential.

Pearcey Anxiety
  • replies: 2

I have bad bad bad anxiety feel weak tummy churning sweating hot and cold flushes no breath please help

I have bad bad bad anxiety feel weak tummy churning sweating hot and cold flushes no breath please help

Elephant86 Immigration to Australia
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It is a hard long journey for many people when they immagrate I know when my family immagrated here. I know how hard it was for my parents when dad had to work in a low paying job at first and then mum did day care during primary school. I truly appr... View more

It is a hard long journey for many people when they immagrate I know when my family immagrated here. I know how hard it was for my parents when dad had to work in a low paying job at first and then mum did day care during primary school. I truly appreciate my parents for all the hard work they went through to bring me up and make me the man I am. I know there are many questions when you come to Australia. Will I get enough support? Will my children have a good future? I am testimant to fact that if you work hard enough with discipline and hard work you can acheive the world you have to be willing to get up take what ever job you can and provide for your family. At heart Im a family man and I know there is a lot of fear when it comes to immigration but I want to shine a light and say it is possible to make a success of your life despite your adversity and difficulty. There are always good lovely Australian community that will be willing to lend a hand and support you. I know there are those people who will make it difficult but you must have faith that everything will work out . My parents took a chance in hope of a better life for us and I have my parents total appreciation and love. You mustn't take your parents and your family for granted. When you realise what hardship they went through you are grateful for them. There times as an immagrant you will say I won't make it? For me it was my self beleif in my self and true discipline that got me there. Australia is a wonderful bioling pot of cultures with many different cultures that make it a beautiful place to live and prosper. You must say I can make it if I work hard enough I can change my stars and I can give my children the education they deserve . This is why immagrants come to Australia for a better education for there children. My dad with say you are not watching TV you are going to do your homework and study so you don't have to struggle like I did. I want you to have a good life and a good job so you can look after me. It is a true battle as an immagrant but you can look at the positive I have my family . I have a challenge but I will work hard and make something of myself. I tell myself every day I am worth it and I am a good person and I am powerful beyond measure I beleive I can acheive anything I put my mind to Every immigrant parent has a dream for there family and pray and wish for a better future God made my heart full of faith that all may come right Mary Mcollop

Elephant86 The power of the natural world
  • replies: 2

I think spending time in nature and watching the animals and going to the local zoo and seeing my fav thr African elephant they are powerful wise and loved by all who see them they are a beautiful creature. I find being with animals or pets a powerfu... View more

I think spending time in nature and watching the animals and going to the local zoo and seeing my fav thr African elephant they are powerful wise and loved by all who see them they are a beautiful creature. I find being with animals or pets a powerful healing for me because they bring peace love and harmony to the universe that is the power of animals. what is a spirit animal?A spirit animal is a animal that helps protect and giude people on there path it is mostly in indigonous culture known as totums. The animal will appear to you to guide and protect you on your journey they are powerful white magic. I love looking at different enviroments and the different animals and learning and understanding more about the animal world this facinates me and sparks my curiousity. Animals where given to us to create peace and harmony and protect humans. The most important thing is to show love and kindness to all animals wheather they be your dog or cat or if there the animal at the zoo. I think each animal deserves a home and love. We as a community must be grateful for our animals. There are many things we can learn from animals like how to be loving and kind to others. Animal are powerful guides in life and need to be given respect and gratitude for there guidance in our lives. I would like to know what animal do you feel protects you and keeps you safe? My spirit animal is the white tiger which I always feel is a guideing powerful force for good in my life. I think going on safari and seeing the lions and the elephants would be great. What is your favourite animal to see in the zoo? I feel animals are the source of great healing and they walk beside us and guide us. You must treasure your animals and love them and spoil them and they will look after you all of your life. My dog is cute but very intelligant he knows when Im sad he knows wen Im not feeling right and he knows exactly what to do to comfort me and bring me peace even in the most difficult of times. Animals are that candle out of the darkness and into the light. Compassion I show love and compassion to all living things is powerful if you give compassion you will receive in different ways. I beleive our animals are the most powerful form of compassion and we must grateful to have them in our lives. In harry potter he has a patronous your spirit animal is like your patronous and it protects and keeps you safe. Animals are the great healers and we must love them everyday Don't forget give your animal a hug?

thwaites Social Anxiety under cover
  • replies: 4

Hi, I have somehow hidden my social anxiety all of my life. I can appear quite comfortable socially when forced to interact with others, but I am secretly struggling. I feel like normal life is becoming more difficult and I’ve reached the point where... View more

Hi, I have somehow hidden my social anxiety all of my life. I can appear quite comfortable socially when forced to interact with others, but I am secretly struggling. I feel like normal life is becoming more difficult and I’ve reached the point where I decline most invitations - including from close friends.thanks

Mary5256 Nausea and abdomen psin
  • replies: 5

My anxiety seemingly appears from nowhere and presents right chronic nausea and abdomen pain. Started 2 years ago after a frightening food bolus which took a long time to get help for ad I live in the country. My nausea is so bad I often feel like I’... View more

My anxiety seemingly appears from nowhere and presents right chronic nausea and abdomen pain. Started 2 years ago after a frightening food bolus which took a long time to get help for ad I live in the country. My nausea is so bad I often feel like I’m dying and it won’t stop until it wants to. I take nexium and gavascon to no avail it’s got a mind of its own. I’m taking a small anti psychotic drug which doesn’t help. All other meds I’ve tried make me even more ill. Sometimes I just don’t know what to do I go to doctors and leave hopeful but nothing works.

JacintaMarie Was a dickhead
  • replies: 6

HiI did something wrong, by being "argumentative". The lower lifts weren't working but the higher lifts were working & I tried to say we could go down lift K. But Team Leader said we couldn't, I shouldn't have said it, but I did & she had firm voice ... View more

HiI did something wrong, by being "argumentative". The lower lifts weren't working but the higher lifts were working & I tried to say we could go down lift K. But Team Leader said we couldn't, I shouldn't have said it, but I did & she had firm voice & I had form voice.I've got my period so am extra sensitive. Hate this, how it makes me sensitive & I do wrong things. I use my initiative & it's wrong. I am looking for another job, but it's going to be the same, it's hopeless, the same people are everywhere & I can't quit my job, I need the money! Sorry beyond blue! I've used you twice after so long, I am on tablets, I thought I was done with these thoughts, Am going to have cry to get it outThanks & I'll get there & I don't mind waiting for replies, there are others that need it.