
Anxiety is the most common mental health condition in Australia. Share your own story and learn about other member’s experiences with anxiety.


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Chris_B Forums etiquette: give support to receive support
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Hi everyone, particularly any new members who may be reading. From time to time, we get contacted by members who are unhappy that they haven’t received a lot of replies to their posts. Our community champions work very hard to make sure that all newb... View more

Hi everyone, particularly any new members who may be reading. From time to time, we get contacted by members who are unhappy that they haven’t received a lot of replies to their posts. Our community champions work very hard to make sure that all newbies are welcomed when they first post, and we understand that it’s a big step to post for the first time on a forum like this, especially if you aren’t feeling great. It’s important to remember, though, that these forums are a community of real people, just like you, not a one-on-one support environment like going to see your psychologist. To get the best out of being here, one of the best tips we can offer is give support to receive support. Being a good community member means: participating in different threads (not just your own), replying to people who have taken the time to reply to you (even if it’s just to say thank you), and... posting words of emotional support and encouragement when you see others who are hurting and reaching out. You don’t have to feel obliged to solve the problems of others: that’s not what we’re here for. But you can offer empathy and what you’ve learned from your own life experiences, even if it’s just a line or two, eg. “I don't know what to say, but I want to give you my support and tell you I care about what is happening to you and hope life will get better soon.” Try to develop an interest in the journeys of others here on the forums. You may be surprised at how good being an active, caring member here can make you feel. For those of you who have had good experiences giving support here on the forums, please post in this thread here and let us know how it has helped you on your journey.

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Zoe29280 I thought I'd beaten my anxiety (trigger warning, mention of suicide) 
  • replies: 2

I feel like my whole world is crashing down around me. I'd been doing so well for about 12months for the first time in forever I felt normal pfft.... well had normal reactions to situations instead of freaking out. I was happy with who i was inside a... View more

I feel like my whole world is crashing down around me. I'd been doing so well for about 12months for the first time in forever I felt normal pfft.... well had normal reactions to situations instead of freaking out. I was happy with who i was inside and out i was shining i could feel it. I'm a single mum abd I was loving life. and then I met someone, came completely out of left field we fell head over heels for each other and so quickly in a matter of weeks we could see our lives together. Then my sons dad committed suicide and it has thrown me, my new partner has been very understanding about my moods and has been a good influence on my son but I never imagined being a full time single mum. I've got no extra financial help, my mum and dad will take my son for a night here and there but only if I ask and my son isnt coping at school. My new partner is in the army and we're moving to NT in January but I'm scared and I feel like I'm bobbing in the ocean just keeping my head above water. My partner is away for a week with work and already I'm not coping with him being away, I'm so down nothing is cheering me up or getting me out of the mood I'm in he says hes there for me but I know how overwhelming my emotions can be for me what if he runs I haven't let anyone in in over 10 years, my ex wasn't very nice to me, and now I'm babbling.... Anyway I dont know what to do I'm so down when he calls me and bite his head off when he doesn't...... what do I do.

Stressedone New job anxiety
  • replies: 5

Not sure how to exactly start this but, I used to be very successful and highly motivated with my career, I’m a heavy machinery operator. I kept climbing the ranks then became a site supervisor, 4 years ago I became addicted to drugs I then lost my j... View more

Not sure how to exactly start this but, I used to be very successful and highly motivated with my career, I’m a heavy machinery operator. I kept climbing the ranks then became a site supervisor, 4 years ago I became addicted to drugs I then lost my job, it wasn’t a pleasant experience, my life was spiraling out of control I had job after job, the longest one only lasting a few months then I gave up. Still being a heavy drug I lost everything, house,cars,girlfriend,friends,family i eventually found myself in jail. When I got out I decided to get clean, I’ve been clean now for two years. And I’ve held a job for the same amount of time. The problem is it’s a crappy job that I found easy and it’s not what I was used to before I became addicted to drugs. Now the problem I have is I’ve been offered multiple jobs that are more challenging and with way better pay (sorta what I used to do before) on heavy machinery in the mines and I’ve either accepted the job offer and only lasted a day or two before I ring my boss and tell him I can’t do it anymore and I find myself going back to that easy job that I find safe.. I didn’t know it at the time but when I was a addict and I was going from job to job getting sacked one after the other I think it really affected me. Not at the time but now I can’t seem to leave the current job I’m at because I’m scared I won’t be good enough and I’ll get sacked. Drugs have really stuffed me up mentally and I basically don’t know what to do.. I know I have a anxiety and depression problem but I have no idea how to fix it. I saw a psychologist for a little while which didn’t help because I felt he had no idea what I was actually going through. I don’t want to stay in this (safe job) anymore I want to be the person I used to be and take that risk because I used to strive in any new job I’d go to before I became an addict I had no anxiety and saw every new job as a experience.. now when I get a new job I either quit before my first day or I find the courage to go but last only a few hours or I get through the day but I’m constantly saying to myself “your not good enough” “they aren’t going to want you back tomorrow” and more negative stuff.. I can’t even begin to explain how much of a toll this is taking on me to make it worse I’ve just been offered another awesome job in the mines, lots and lots of money, good camp,good roster bet yet again I’m thinking of turning it down and sticking to that “safe job” I’m misrible at. please help

Andy1998 Anxiety induced insomnia
  • replies: 5

Hi, all, I'm a first year university biomed student. I have to spend hours studying and memorizing stuff everyday and it has imposed a lot of stress on me. But I always had everything under control, I balanced life/study just fine. I got great marks ... View more

Hi, all, I'm a first year university biomed student. I have to spend hours studying and memorizing stuff everyday and it has imposed a lot of stress on me. But I always had everything under control, I balanced life/study just fine. I got great marks for my subjects and I was actually enjoying the pressure to a degree. It all changed a week ago. I think it all started because of a stupid video game I played last Sunday, it was kinda scary for me and I had some trouble falling asleep that night (took me about 1 hour). I didn't think about it too much on Monday, cause I've had some bad nights like that one before and I thought it was nothing more than just another tough night. And then, on Monday, I made the mistake of playing that video game again, after I finished work. Like I said, I really didn't think too much about the bad night before. Only now have I realized the night on Sunday was a warning sign for me. But it was too late, I played that game again, and I couldn't fall asleep the entire Monday night, I might drifted off for an hour or so but that was about it. I haven't played that game ever since, but I got so worried about not being able to fall asleep and cope with uni, that I got very anxious about sleeping from night 3. Initially the anxiety was from the video game, but starting from night 3, I think it had completely shifted to the fear of not being able to sleep.From night 3, I haven't been able to fall asleep within 2-3 hours of going to bed and had 2 more nights where I didn't fall asleep at all. 2 hours before going to bed, I could already feel my heart pumping fast, fearing I wouldn't be able to fall asleep again, and this fear always made that a reality. My heart would continue to beat fast on the bed, and I tried deep breathing, it didn't really help, my heart would slow down for a few seconds but then the anxiety would be back all over again. I tried telling myself: "Everything is fine." "Many people are having similar troubles, you ain't alone.", but I still couldn't stop worrying. I tried going downstairs to eat something, or to do something else before going back to bed, not much help either. I tried going out and jogging until I was physically exhausted, it helped slightly, but not much and I really don't want to do that every night. I've always been an anxious person but it had never been this severe. I guess the first 2 nights brought out my anxiety from uni&life deep within and now I can't stop the flood.

Sincere_guy Anxiety and chronic chest pain
  • replies: 2

I’m a 40 year old single male, I have severe anxiety and depression, I have chronic chest pain, no heart problem detected. Has anyone out there experiencing the same problem

I’m a 40 year old single male, I have severe anxiety and depression, I have chronic chest pain, no heart problem detected. Has anyone out there experiencing the same problem

Natsirt Depersonalisation; feel like I've lost all personality after 20 years
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For as long as I can remember, i've dealt with generalised anxiety in one way or another. There were periods of my life where it was particularly extreme, such as leaving highschool and about 24 months afterwards, I was bunked up in my room, basicall... View more

For as long as I can remember, i've dealt with generalised anxiety in one way or another. There were periods of my life where it was particularly extreme, such as leaving highschool and about 24 months afterwards, I was bunked up in my room, basically unable to leave the house unless I was forced, but i'd be thinking about getting home and getting back into my room the whole time, completely uncomfortable with my surroundings. I spent a long time in my own head, living in my own world and basically just letting everyone else live their own lives while I was stuck in my own four walls, not bettering myself or even having any life experiences during pretty vital years. Now, after seeing a couple psychs and pushing myself to work and study, I just still don't feel right, it feels like I have no depth anymore, nothing interesting about me because I spent so long stagnant, too worried to attach a personality to myself because I was scared of judgement and scrutiny. I came across the term depersonalisation, and after a bit of reading it just feels exactly like what I went through, to an extreme level, but the word was never brought up by either psychs that I saw, I just don't know where I sit right now

Wondering_pri Can Anxiety cause you to believe things have happened?
  • replies: 1

Hi all About a month ago I was out with friends ( my husband had to go off to a meeting part way through) we had drinks and food and to be honest I got rather drunk. Firstly I want to say this couple are a lovely couple in their 50's and 60's we spen... View more

Hi all About a month ago I was out with friends ( my husband had to go off to a meeting part way through) we had drinks and food and to be honest I got rather drunk. Firstly I want to say this couple are a lovely couple in their 50's and 60's we spent time at their house playing darts and chatting. I finally got an UBER late that night after having a panic attack that something sinister had happened to me. they assured me nothing untoward had happened and got me an UBER home, I woke up feeling fine and called them to apologise for my actions and my mind was a bit of a blank. I have spent ages trying to bring the whole day together. To be fair I cannot even remember having a meal but we have photos they sent to my husband showing him they had fed me. What i am imagining though is being assaulted!!! and I cannot stop thinking about it. Now I cannot remember hardly anything else about the day apart from this image. I did not speak to my husband until a few weeks later about in and he is in total confusions as we have been happily going about our days with them even going on holiday for a week. I just cant get these images out of my head and had to speak to him about it. I have been going through alot of stress and anxiety of late through my dad getting last stage alzheimers, me being diagnosed with an autoimune dissorder and work issues, and i am wondering as I cannot remember much of anything else that day is my mind playing tricks with me i this issue i remember? Why would i only remember this and nothing else? is it I am thinking of the worse case scenario because i cant remember or did it happen, it seems so real in my head. any help would be greatly received thanks

ave Breathing
  • replies: 4

Hi, this is only my second post but recently I felt like I can’t breathe properly, like I’m breathing but not breathing in enough oxygen and I’m not sure how to help it especially when trying to sleep. Just wondering if there’s any tips or anyone tha... View more

Hi, this is only my second post but recently I felt like I can’t breathe properly, like I’m breathing but not breathing in enough oxygen and I’m not sure how to help it especially when trying to sleep. Just wondering if there’s any tips or anyone that relates to this. I try to focus on my breathing but it doesn’t really do anything.

Maddy10 Anxiety at work
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Hi all, I’m reaching out for some help I am a flight attendant and I have been off work for about a week now due to having a huge panic attack during flight. It resulted me in throwing up and fainting in front of passengers. It was a really awful and... View more

Hi all, I’m reaching out for some help I am a flight attendant and I have been off work for about a week now due to having a huge panic attack during flight. It resulted me in throwing up and fainting in front of passengers. It was a really awful and embarrassing experience. I have also been struggling with a lot in my life like moving interstate, Struggling with shift work, my mum being diagnosed with cancer and my partner being away a lot for work (he is in the army). I have always suffered with anxiety all my life but I’m able to handle it at some extreme. But this time everything feels different I’m not able to handle my anxiety at all even going to the shops has been a struggle. I have been going to my GP a lot this week, she has up dosed my anti depressants and given me some anxiety medication to help with panic attacks.I have been seeing a psychologist but with my busy work schedule I’ve had to post pone a lot of appointments to see her. My next appointment is this Monday coming. My work has been really supportive about this all, they said that I’m able to take as much time off as I need and come back when I’m feeling better. Knowing this has been a good feeling but also I feel like I never be able to come back and possible loose my job that I love so much. Any advice would help me so much! Thanks, Maddy

gloria10 Social Anxiety Triggers
  • replies: 9

So the last couple of weeks I have been struggling with social anxiety. There were some people I knew, or thought I knew, in my local area and it was all friendly. Suddenly, things seemed to have changed; two are also my neighbours and it is making t... View more

So the last couple of weeks I have been struggling with social anxiety. There were some people I knew, or thought I knew, in my local area and it was all friendly. Suddenly, things seemed to have changed; two are also my neighbours and it is making things awkward. I am feeling judged for who I am and constantly worrying about how they see me. I've also been feeling like I cant go outside when they are they because they wont want to talk to me. I am a chatty, friendly person and I dont mean any harm by it, but I dont know if its off-putting for others. One of them says a short hello and is avoiding my eyes as well. I'm content with and happy hello and thats enough. Any advice would be great. It has gotten to the point where I been feeling it might be time to move from the area and I don't know if thats part of it, but if I can try and deal with this first that would be better. Ive just never been great dealing with social situations. Thanks

Freoman New to this and worried
  • replies: 5

Hi , just wondering if its just me or anxiety. I suffer from occasional Atrial Fibrillation (AF) and have some heart artery blockages but not enough to warrant intervention as yet. I live alone and work in Victoria with all my family in WA. I constan... View more

Hi , just wondering if its just me or anxiety. I suffer from occasional Atrial Fibrillation (AF) and have some heart artery blockages but not enough to warrant intervention as yet. I live alone and work in Victoria with all my family in WA. I constantly worry about my health to the point of hypochondria. I constantly google symptoms and am concerned about having a heart attack and that I wont see my family again. I sit and worry about finances to ensure I have money to leave my children I have symptoms such as muscle pains, light-headedness, occasional dizziness, tight chest, nausea, burping consistently, bloating, stomach cramps (a friend suggested I have nervous stomach!!) but overall a general desire not to do much at all. If I plan to go out I worry that my AF will come back and I wont be able to go I see an osteo who loosens my muscles and I feel better in that regard for a day or two after. My cardiologist puts down my chest pains as muscular and not heart related. I have undergone an ablation which seems to have fixed the AF (I hope). But yet I still google every twinge and ache since the op. I do know that if I make an effort to go out and enjoy myself , I feel good and think , I don't feel light headed or sore and once I do that the symptoms start to come back. I smoke as a way of easing what I think is anxiety but want and need to give up. The thing is my health is on my mind as soon as I wake up until I go to bed. I am not enjoying things at all. I am putting off planning a trip to Europe next year with friends as I don't think my health will allow it. Any advice or similar experiences would be welcome.