
Anxiety is the most common mental health condition in Australia. Share your own story and learn about other member’s experiences with anxiety.


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Chris_B Forums etiquette: give support to receive support
  • replies: 0

Hi everyone, particularly any new members who may be reading. From time to time, we get contacted by members who are unhappy that they haven’t received a lot of replies to their posts. Our community champions work very hard to make sure that all newb... View more

Hi everyone, particularly any new members who may be reading. From time to time, we get contacted by members who are unhappy that they haven’t received a lot of replies to their posts. Our community champions work very hard to make sure that all newbies are welcomed when they first post, and we understand that it’s a big step to post for the first time on a forum like this, especially if you aren’t feeling great. It’s important to remember, though, that these forums are a community of real people, just like you, not a one-on-one support environment like going to see your psychologist. To get the best out of being here, one of the best tips we can offer is give support to receive support. Being a good community member means: participating in different threads (not just your own), replying to people who have taken the time to reply to you (even if it’s just to say thank you), and... posting words of emotional support and encouragement when you see others who are hurting and reaching out. You don’t have to feel obliged to solve the problems of others: that’s not what we’re here for. But you can offer empathy and what you’ve learned from your own life experiences, even if it’s just a line or two, eg. “I don't know what to say, but I want to give you my support and tell you I care about what is happening to you and hope life will get better soon.” Try to develop an interest in the journeys of others here on the forums. You may be surprised at how good being an active, caring member here can make you feel. For those of you who have had good experiences giving support here on the forums, please post in this thread here and let us know how it has helped you on your journey.

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Guest_6743 Autoimmune diseases and anxiety
  • replies: 1

Anyone else suffer from autoimmune diseases and severe anxiety?

Anyone else suffer from autoimmune diseases and severe anxiety?

jax_in_my_heart Workplace issues - is this what anxiety is?
  • replies: 1

I’m not sure if what I’m experiencing is typical of anxiety. I’d love some feedback from people experienced with this. About four months ago, I left a job I had been in for 18 months with a small business. They had a team of about eight people. At fi... View more

I’m not sure if what I’m experiencing is typical of anxiety. I’d love some feedback from people experienced with this. About four months ago, I left a job I had been in for 18 months with a small business. They had a team of about eight people. At first everything was great, but looking back I can see my self-confidence and faith in my abilities was gradually eroded over the course of that 18 months. Prior to this, I was a very confident person. By the time I left there, I walked on eggshells, with a pair of bosses that played mind games every single day. I will NEVER work for a small family business again after this experience. I enjoy my current job very much, but I feel the hangover from my previous one. If the boss is going through reports trying to find a discrepancy, I’m silently panicking and completely freaking out that it’s my fault and they’ll be so angry. I’m worried that they’ll sack me and I won’t be able to pay my mortgage. I over-explain myself about details that doesn’t actually interest anyone. I’m worried that I’m too loud, too over-the-top and no-one likes me. I genuinely have no idea how well I’m performing and I’m too intimidated to ask. I get flustered when I feel nervous or overwhelmed, and I make little mistakes as a result, which just makes it worse again. This really only comes out at work, I’m fine everywhere else. I have bipolar 2 disorder, which I manage reasonably well (I would like to think so anyway). I don’t share anything about this condition or how I currently feel with my work colleagues. I suppose I want to know if this is anxiety? If so, what are other people’s stories are and how did you manage it?

Anxious2019 Is it normal
  • replies: 5

Hi all I'm new on here just wondering what every1 feels when there anxious? Have feelings of fluttering in my chest heart palps does any1 feel like their fading away from their body? Gets tunnel visions like it falling from ur body in ur head gets bl... View more

Hi all I'm new on here just wondering what every1 feels when there anxious? Have feelings of fluttering in my chest heart palps does any1 feel like their fading away from their body? Gets tunnel visions like it falling from ur body in ur head gets black n white I've been put on medication have 3 kids I don't no if this is normal feel scared everyday waiting for another full panic attack help me please?

WomanGirl Hangover anxiety
  • replies: 3

I’m suffering terribly from hangover/cocaine use anxiety. This is a rare occasion for me to be involved in this type of evening but I’ve been suffering terribly from anxiety for the last 3 days. I dumped my entire life story onto people I know see ev... View more

I’m suffering terribly from hangover/cocaine use anxiety. This is a rare occasion for me to be involved in this type of evening but I’ve been suffering terribly from anxiety for the last 3 days. I dumped my entire life story onto people I know see everyday and I am so embarrassed. Can anyone suggest how to help this feeling go, or do I need to just run away? Thank you.

Ukgirl Health Anxiety
  • replies: 6

I suffer a lot with health anxiety and I have just had blood tests done and I am freaking out waiting for results Can't eat just want to sleep feeling very low Does. Anyone else get this I feel such a weak person

I suffer a lot with health anxiety and I have just had blood tests done and I am freaking out waiting for results Can't eat just want to sleep feeling very low Does. Anyone else get this I feel such a weak person

Stanlee14 Panic Attack In Sleep?
  • replies: 2

Hello all. Last night I had the strangest thing happen to me. I've suffered from various anxiety related problems for quite a while, the latest thing has unfortunately been panic attacks. I suffered my first one in October last year, something you pr... View more

Hello all. Last night I had the strangest thing happen to me. I've suffered from various anxiety related problems for quite a while, the latest thing has unfortunately been panic attacks. I suffered my first one in October last year, something you probably don't forget too soon. Over the last year I have slowly learnt to manage this new manifestation of my anxiety, thanks to the help of my phycologist, GP and some new meds. I have been in a rather good head space of late although on Friday I felt my anxiety rising. Long story short, I had a terrible night sleep that night. I tossed and turned all night and had the most vivid nightmares. When I woke early in the morning, firstly I noticed I had a thumping tension like headache. I also felt as though I had fought a Bear all night long, my back and shoulders ached and I even felt a bit nauseous. All the while my heart was thumping out of my chest. I was lying in pool of sweat and felt a strange cold flush type feeling. At one point I was so cold I turned my air-conditioner off even though its quite hot here where I live. I could quite easily just put it down to a rough night sleep however, the more I thought about it the more I believe I may have had a panic attack while I was sleeping. All my usual panic symptoms were there. My first question is does any one know if its possible to have one in your sleep and has anyone out there had this, as Im kinda new to this type of anxiety. Cheers Stan

silicontrip Beyond a Doctors help.
  • replies: 14

My mental health has just taken a turn for the more expensive. I've exhausted 7 different medications that my GP has prescribed. I think I mentioned in another post that the only one that worked effectively but my GP can no longer legally prescribe i... View more

My mental health has just taken a turn for the more expensive. I've exhausted 7 different medications that my GP has prescribed. I think I mentioned in another post that the only one that worked effectively but my GP can no longer legally prescribe it and no psychiatrist wants to. I did get to see a psychiatrist 6 months ago (on a 291) and have exhausted those recommended medications. I'm now facing the prospect of needing to regularly see a psychiatrist, except I've been blown away by the costs. For a government that is talking about mental health it seems to be unaware of the barriers to actually receiving it. Anyone have any recommendations? ps I'm off my medication emotional, angry and moody, so I apologise for any negative tone this post has, in advance.

Samsonsam Should heart rate speed up this fast?
  • replies: 1

So I've had chest pain lately that my doctor continues to say is just anxiety. I've lost 15kg this year, started to get bad reflux and had other weird health issues. I haven't done much exercise the past year and just now I did 16 weighted squats and... View more

So I've had chest pain lately that my doctor continues to say is just anxiety. I've lost 15kg this year, started to get bad reflux and had other weird health issues. I haven't done much exercise the past year and just now I did 16 weighted squats and my heart rate went to 135bpm straight after. Is this normal for someone that is unfit? My resting heart rate is 60bpm.

Anxoid Antidepressant Causing Anxiety?
  • replies: 10

Hello folks, 43yo, male, long term anxiety/depression sufferer here, having yet another bad episode. In the last month or so, I have been waking up with panic attacks, followed by terrible anxiety, all day. Medication helps a lot during these episode... View more

Hello folks, 43yo, male, long term anxiety/depression sufferer here, having yet another bad episode. In the last month or so, I have been waking up with panic attacks, followed by terrible anxiety, all day. Medication helps a lot during these episodes. I've been on an ssri for around 20 years, and for a long time i was doing reasonably well on the lowest dose. My g.p. upped the dose, about a month ago, which hasn't helped at all yet. Perhaps it's even making things worse! Does anyone know if its possible that a higher ssri dose could actually make anxiety worse? I feel like i should go back to my old dose, but it will be some time before I can see my g.p. again. Cheers all.

Purple4 My Life
  • replies: 6

My first post I've never felt that sense of belonging. I just don't seem to fit anywhere. I'm an outcast, a loner. It's a daily struggle. Looking back as a small child it was the same. I was never anyone's first choice. Life as a teen was the same. T... View more

My first post I've never felt that sense of belonging. I just don't seem to fit anywhere. I'm an outcast, a loner. It's a daily struggle. Looking back as a small child it was the same. I was never anyone's first choice. Life as a teen was the same. Teasing and bullying ruled my life. Life was lonely. What was wrong with me. Why didn't I stand up for myself? At the age of 17 I found myself engaged to an abusive man 4 years older than me. My family disowned me. Just shy of my 19th birthday my fiancee left me. I lived alone in youth housing depressed and unemployed. Closer to my 21st birthday I reconnected with my family and tried to turn my life around. I returned to study and started a relationship with my future husband. I went on to have 2 children & got married. Even on my wedding day I didn't feel overly special. I was still putting other people's needs ahead of my own. My first panic attack happened at a friends house where I should have felt comfortable. I was holding a glass of wine and had an overwhelming sensation that the glass was going to shatter in my hand. I couldn't move. I asked my husband to take the glass from me (which was obviously ridiculous and he refused). Eyes where looking at me in disbelief. I started shaking and crying and someone removed the glass from my hand. I was 23. Things snowballed from then. I could no longer eat or drink in public. Weeks later I had a panic attack while overtaking a truck. Many years passed when I barely drove at all. I don't remember when I was officially diagnosed with anxiety- probably sometime in my mid 20s. Finally the penny dropped and I begun to understand why I was feeling this way. Different medications where given. Hiding my anxiety was exhausting. Only my husband knew. The endless excuses I would make as to why I couldn't do something ruled my life. I made the decision to tell the people in my daily life. No one understood, how could they when I didn't. After 16yrs my husband left me. I was left alone to raise my kids(9 &12). I had to find work and do things anxiety made impossible. It was a nightmare. I had no support network. My kids where the reason I breathed. I am now 46 & angry with myself for accepting less than I'm worth. Why do I put myself in relationships with men who devalue me? For 5yrs I have been with a narcissist man. He is destroying my soul. Why can't I leave him? I feel like a fool and should know better.