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At the limits of coping. But what happens when I cease to cope?

Community Member

I feel absolutely overwhelmed.

I feel like I have reached my limit and my capacity to cope has almost been stretched to breaking point.

my psychologist has been warning me that she is concerned that I will push myself past my limit. That at some point I won’t be able to keep coping.

I always seem to be able to keep taking on more and just make it work, but what actually happens if you can’t?

What does this look like? I can’t imagine not coping, but I don’t know if I can keep this up.

1 Reply 1

Community Member
What are your anxiety symptoms now? I've dealt with panic disorder most of my life going up and down through the years. My worst point with anxiety/panic was not being able to go on public transport, public places, waking up in the middle of the night with panic attacks, constant hand tremors, massive weight loss, I had to quit my job at one point I had to quit study and take a year out, I couldn't drive long distances for awhile and it freaking sucks, but you get through it. I guess it's working out what your limits are and when you hit that point you'll step back take a breather and get back on the horse with the help of those awesome professionals who's job it is to give you a leg up.