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Anxious every morning, self medicating

Community Member

Does anyone else feel this way?

I am fine for the first 2 hours in the morning, I go to gym and I am fit, but then terrible anxiety sets in.

Every day.

The only thing that calms me down is booze. This is my life now.

5 Replies 5

Community Member
I understand you completely. I also wake up feeling fine but as the day goes on I get increasingly anxious. I am drinking while typing this reply just to calm myself down. I think we both know that this is an unhealthy coping mechanism that will only lead to more issues down the track. Have you tried to get any help at all?

Community Member
No, I don't seek help, I know I could have gone to my GP, but then would have been prescribed antidepressants. No thanks. I have family members on antidepressants, and it doesn't stop them drinking. Like you, I know what I am doing is not a good solution, but it gets me through the day...

Community Member

Hi Arthur, I am in a similar situation mate.

I am fit and go to the gym most days, i eat right, but my anxiety is terrible.

 the idea of going back onto antidepressants terrifies me.

Just wanted you to know you are not alone mate.

Hello Arthur B

Nice to meet you.

I am curious why you, and the other posters come to that, feel that alcohol or illegal drugs are a better solution to anxiety than prescribed medication. In my defence I have not taken marijuana or drunk alcohol to compensate for the shittiness of life. Both are addictive but prescription meds can also be addictive. The difference I feel is that prescription meds are usually taken with help from your prescribing doctor.

I know being anxious is the pits and can take control of your life in no uncertain fashion. When my depression was at its worst it was the most awful thing that had happened to me. Meds did not help because I could not take what the doctor called a therapeutic dose as I had horrendous reactions. So I battled through it basically alone. Well now I know can do this so I suppose it was a win and a learning curve.

Seeing a psychologist or counsellor may be very helpful. Neither of these professions can prescribe medication so not much pressure there. Initially I saw a psychologist and although he suggested meds I refused and we continued with the therapy without meds.

I think I was as scared about meds as you seem to be. May I suggest that everyone's reaction to antidepressants is different. Some people find them very helpful to work behind the scenes so to speak and help you to be more relaxed. However it's not compulsory and it is possible to get well without medication. I think what worries me about alcohol and marijuana is they can be equally as addictive and I believe much harder to stop using. You are not being observed and the amount you take is not controlled.

However I have not written here to tell you what to do. It is of course up to you. Please consider other options to become well again.


Community Member
I am know the horrible feeling of anxiety as I have lived with it for 15 years.
I have tried both but it is not a great solution. My anxiety is horrible in the mornings.
I take medication and refused for a long time until I had a break down.
I was not eating, did not know what day it was, sleeping, lost a lot of weight and just wanted to it to end.
I had to be pushed to go to hospital as the thought was so daunting.
Luckily, I had a great doctor, psychiatrist and now see a really good counsellor. This has helped so much.
I could not function or leave the house. I hated the idea of medication. But I have successfully come of different anti depressants and changed anxiety medications when required with the support of doctors who I can check in with and tell them how I am going and travelling.
I have a friend who was trying to deal with it with alchol.
Then ended up needing to go to rehab because it became too much. As it became an addiction where more was being consumed each day.
I know it is the absolute pits and gosh I wish there was a cure or magic wand.
My father dealt with his anxiety through alcohol and I grew up seeing the most horrendous things.
I truly am just writing out of concern.
Alcohol or marijuana is a temporary fix.
You need to try to speak to someone about the anxiety and you do not have to go on medication immediately.
Just seeing a counsellor or psychologist may help.
I really hope you are okay.
I know it is hard but if you can reach out to a GP or ring a line like Beyond Blue for advice they can help you out.
Often there are things that trigger anxiety that we do not even realise.
But now attending AA meetings with my friend and seeing those fighting addictions I can relate because they state they had trauma, mental health conditions and were trying to numb instead of getting to the route cause.
I am not here to judge but I care about the well being of people and trust me self medicating can be more harmful then helpful.
There are times where it is debilitating but I get up take my medication and start my day. I get to work and by keeping busy but balancing with looking after myself I get through and take each day at a time.
Initially at my worst it was a minute or an hour at a time.
I hope you will be okay.
I hope you find a positive way forward.
It is not easy and know you are not alone. There are so many of us who get anxiety.
But please know that there are ways you can try and deal with and manage it.