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Physical Symptoms Anxiety

Community Member
I've been struggling with various symptoms over the past four months. Most of them I can attribute to anxiety, but one particular symptom has been scaring me. I've felt off-balanced and heavy when I stand up and walk around. It feels like someone is pushing down on the top of my head, overall just a very heavy feeling/pressure in the head. I'm wondering if anyone feels this? I'm really concerned about a brain tumor, and I want to get an MRI. But, I have health anxiety and frequently fear different ailments.
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Valued Contributor
Valued Contributor


Health anxiety can be very debilitating. I haven't had it for a while, but I do remember the feeling of thinking something was new or abnormal and how the anxious brain likes to grab at it and not let go. Also though, stress and anxiety can put tension and pressure into different parts of our body, so it may be totally normal. Sorry I can't help, but take care.


I just wrote a post about dizziness and neck pain.
I always feel off balance and my legs are heavy!!! It’s so frustrating. Yes my head feels heavy too and I have pain across my forehead. I know how you feel.

Community Member

hoping you are doing ok, I just want to share my story with you.

ive had troubles with physical symptoms along with a bit of “fog brain.”

i went to hospital on Sunday just gone thinking that I was having some sort of medical emergency as I lost strength in my left arm and legs( literally couldnt walk)... then they felt numb with pins and needles. Then I felt like I was not getting enough oxygen to my lungs and couldn’t catch my breath And felt like someone was choking me!

they ran all the tests u set the sun which all came back a-ok and haven’t come to a diagnosis however they seem to think that it is related to anxiety.
so I can totally relate to how you feel.
It can be quite scary.

my arms and legs still have pins and needles and feel a bit numb however each day they are getting better.

ive decided that dr google is my worst enemy as every time I search something it comes up with the worst case scenario.

Take care, and be kind to yourself.

Community Member
I'm going through the same. I get tingles, itching all kinds of symptoms. Google told me I have multiple sclerosis. I hate Google so much, after this ordeal I'm done with Google forever. I went to a gp, went to a neuro and he is convinced I don't have multiple sclerosis but I'm having a brain mri and spine mri that he booked to ease my mind. I'll know on Dec 3. 2 more weeks of waiting.