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Anxiety strikes

Community Member


This is my first post on any forums. I have been suffering from anxiety and depression for some years now. My anxiety has been getting worse lately.

I don't want to leave the house, unless it's for work. When I'm around people, I think everyone is judging me - thinking they don't like me. Feeling like I'm not good enough for anyone.

I'm even anxious about writing this, that people will judge etc.

I know my thoughts are unrealistic but there is always that doubt which stops me from moving forward.

2 Replies 2

Champion Alumni
Champion Alumni
hello Meg, welcome to the site and thanks for posting your comment, I understand it may have taken you some time to finally decide to post, many times I'm sure you would have written a comment, edited it several times, then deleted it, then perhaps being a little annoyed with yourself for not posting it, please remember it's always very difficult to come onto the forums for the first time, but now you're done it, and that's great.
People don't criticise on this site, all we want to do is help you, offer some suggestions and/or advice based on what each one of us has had to go experience ourselves through our own struggles with depression.
Your thoughts aren't unrealistic, it's this illness that is causing all of this trouble and to make you feel insecure and with this comes lack of confidence.
Do you feel comfortable telling us a little more, and by saying that, don't be afraid, we don't need to know everything at the moment, just as much as you want to, slowly you will feel as though you can trust us. Geoff.

Champion Alumni
Champion Alumni

Hi Meg

Good on you for having the strength to post! It does take courage to do so.

You are among friends here that also have this awful condition.

The forums are also a judgement free zone. You wont be judged here in any way.

Anxiety and the doubts you mentioned can be reduced by frequent on going counseling. I had to do it a few years ago and it helped a lot. It does take determination, patience and a strong desire to heal but the end results are worth it. A great place to start is with your GP. They have better training with anxiety nowadays.

I think I had anxiety for nearly 15 years before my doctor started to get find the issues that were the problem.

Having anxiety is the same as having a tired mind.....it can be difficult to have clear and realistic thoughts when we are mentally exhausted. I understand where you are coming from Meg.

I hope you can stick around the forums. If you have any questions or just need a chat there are many gentle people that can be here for you 😉

my kind thoughts
