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Anxiety rules my life

Community Member

Hello. Anxiety rules every aspect of my life, and therefore it has robbed me of even having one.

I have had to suspend going to university for the last semester and feel that I will have to do the same for this semester. I have dreamed of attending a university ever since I was little and I love learning, but since I graduated school last year, my anxiety has skyrocketed. I feel that i'm a failure for not going and that I'm behind my friends who are attending the university I was accepted at. I did try to attend, but I had to leave as I was kept awake for nights, fearing the days I had to go in and experienced severe anxiety and panic throughout the entire week because of it. I could not relax as I was on high alert all the time knowing I had to attend.

Now it has developed into agoraphobia. I can't leave the house, I cant walk my dog, I cant go to the shops. I'm meant to have my birthday party tomorrow with friends (only 8 people), but I don't feel social and as selfish as it sounds, I just want to be left alone.

I dread night as I get extremely paranoid and have to stay awake until my eyes are so tired that they can no longer stay open. I have to keep checking the door and the window that no one is there as I feel that someone is watching me. The other night, I really really felt like there was this tall figure standing in the doorway watching me. Part of me knew it wasn't real, but I still had to check, because it felt so real and that if I didn't turn around and check, he'd grab me. Now my friends are staying over as it will be late and I don't know what will happen. My nights feel so unpredictable and frightening that I don't know what my mind will do. I know I can't cancel now, but I really don't think I'm going to enjoy it.

I don't think I'm suicidal but I can't help thinking what's the point? Day and night I feel tormented by my own mind. Everything makes me scared and life just doesn't seem to have the promise that it once had. How do I regain myself back? The only people I have in my life are my close family and the only hobbies I have are watching videos and sometimes drawing/writing, though I often struggle to find motivation for them.

Is what I'm going through normal? Do you know what could be causing it? I went through a lot of trauma earlier in my life, could that be the cause? Is it a side effect of my anxiety? I'm not on medication or seeing someone at the moment, though I do intend to connect with a psychologist soon.

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Champion Alumni
Champion Alumni

Hello TheRavensDesk, I'm really sorry to hear what you have had to try and cope with, but when you compare yourself to your friends this can develop negative thoughts.

As you have anxiety and keep on checking the doors and windows then you need to see your doctor and ask them to refer you onto a psychologist because that's what I have done because I have OCD.

Hope to hear back from you.
