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anxiety panic disorder stress from applying for a dsp

Community Member
Hi there not sure if we are allowed to talk about this topic at all .I have anxiety panic disorder .I am medicated and i have had this since my early teenage years .I and currently seeing a gp fortnightly ,and a psychtrist 3 monthly and a mental health counciler monthly .I applied for a disability pension 2 half years ago .Based on the information i handed in it was rejected .I appealed the situation and due to lack of not knowing what to do and how to understand it it was rejected again .I then went to advocacy to act on behalf of me because my anxiety panic disorder i find it hard to understand it all .I scored 10 out of 10 for mental health .I cant work more than 8 hours a fortnight even that is hard with my anxiety . I recently appealed again with new letters from all the following drs specialists treating me for mental health .How can it be rejected again when letters from gp psyhcitrist and counciler all state into detail im not capable .IT has caused my anxiety panic disorder to get worse and my health has really taken fall from all of this .Is there anyone else on here that has fought tooth and nail for a dsp for severe anxiety panic disorder .
3 Replies 3

Blue Voices Member
Blue Voices Member

Cakeboss and everyone hey ☺

Firstly loven the name. Oh yeh "I like cake" too 🍰 that piece is for you but I suggest eat it up before I inhale 😆

Geez you're having such an awful time and for so long you've suffered severely. I feel very sorry for you.

That doesn't at all sound right you not being able to easily get onto. Not doubting you btw ☺ Good looks like you're sticking with it too.

I don't have your problem but have experienced a lot of anxiety including OCD which is severe anxiety. Hoping some to follow may help ☺

I wouldn't blame you if you didn't believe this 😄
I recently heard that anxiety and depression too in most cases can be managed.

Some people might think they'd be in the much smaller percent of not being able to get on top which is understandable too but not necessarily the case.
Belief that we can goes a long way in healing.

Depression and anxiety tell us lies often.
A lovely member here once told us that her psych said "to do the opposite to what depression wants you to do"... Gold.

I think that also applies to anxiety especially with how we think.

Depression/anxiety often blur our thinking at times to unrealistic levels as you'd I guess experience. Full on eh

I've had success with firm self talk quite often which also helps with depression I'm finding.

From what I can see is anxiety is stress finding an out and it also can make us think unrealistically which fuels our fear.

With self talking in a firm no nonsense method ... no that's not going to happen.. it's my mind pulling me down.. I'm not going to feel this way etc has calmed me quite often and from extreme attacks
Also total breathing focus forces our minds to think of something else as well as calming and getting oxygen out there. You probs are aware of that
It's hard work isn't it. Poor soul.

Cakeboss if you're interested there's an anxiety thread link below. If you pop it into a search here. Links mostly atm don't yet work here but will be in future.


Although I imagine & know too you've had/having a lot of help in the area you never know something in there might click to help even a littles a good step forward.

I'll see you again hopefully sometime.
When not posting I'm still listening in the background ☺

Best healing wishes ⚘

Thanks for your comment i appreciate anyones comments .I cant go into detail but for this dsp application i also have a chronic medical condition aswell .They have said in the past that my chronic medical condition is stablized and treatable .However the medication im on has alot of side affects mixing with my antidipressents .I am under a neourolgist for this .I am trying again for appeal but yea the system is wrong for dsps when someone suffers as much as what i have .I try so hard to try and work and take day at a time .Ill prob be rejected again

Hi Cakeboss and readers 😊

Thanks ⚘ I Hope todays been a better one for you Cakes and that with a stroke of luck you've had some better news but I sadly doubt it. For now anyway darl.

Easy I know for me to say but I suggest keep going and going until either you get results or exhaust every possible avenue.

I'm sorry to hear you sound as though you're really doing hard yards with your health and certainly this stress would be adding to it all.

Best of luck to you cakes it's a shame you have to battle it all so hard.

Leaving you a yum piece of choccy 🍫🍰 and wishes of success 😊