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Anxiety needs to stop

Community Member
Im having a massive panic attack and im using this to calm myself down. My anxiety has just gone through the roof in the last 4 mths and it is everyday it is wearing me out Im so scared of dying that I dont sleep the doctors just try to medicate me up and I panic more because Im by myself with my kids so I dont want sleeping tablets and people arnt getting it they look at me like im stupid I am so scared and I just need it to go away I really feel like Im going mental insane to the point where it feels like eveything stops for like 5 seconds and thats it and then I breathe again and go into panic attack I just need this to stop . It is starting to really take over my fear of death is too extreme I just want it to stop
4 Replies 4

Blue Voices Member
Blue Voices Member

Hi Rasah

You've made a massive step in getting onto this forum to get support. How are you feeling now since posting?

Champion Alumni
Champion Alumni

Hi Rasah

Welcome and good on you for having the courage to post too!

I used to have chronic anxiety years ago, I understand the pain you are going through. Anxiety attacks are hellish to go through.

Just some good news for you Rasah...

  • an anxiety attack cannot make you die despite the feelings making you feel otherwise
  • the severity of the anxiety does decrease over time with super regular counseling and if your GP agrees the meds do provide us with a solid platform on which we can heal in conjunction with the therapy
  • the meds on their own are just a band aid...Commitment to therapy is essential

I really hope you can stick around the forums and let us know your thoughts and how you go 🙂

The forums are a judgement free zone. You will never be judged here. There are many gentle people with anxiety that can also be here for you, even if you just need to chat

my kind thoughts for you


Community Member
I am a suffer of anxiety and depression.Im on medication and it does work except that if i have any major stress or worries the anxiety starts up .Im going through a stressful situation at moment and because it cannot be sorted asap my anxiety has come back.i wake up and then the anxiety is there nausea yuck feeling thinking things are going to happen that havent .I have it right now and its horrible feel so aggitated .Im having counciling give relaxation cds there taking bit time to get use to .Hate waking up feeling nausated nervous and yuck just want it to go away

Community Member

Hi rasah, well done for taking the step and joining us on the forum. I know exactly how you feel..you are not alone in this everyone on here has been where you are.

I am still working through it myself but i have definitely seen a change over the past month. My first step was going to se my gp which automatically they mention medication which at the time i needed to calm me that second the panic attack occurred. It took me a good month going through all of that.

Then i started to research everything there is to know about anxiety and panic attacks and what i could do to help myself.

First thing is seeing a psychologist because you need someone you can talk to that will give you pointers and yes i was against everything i thought how is talking to someone going to help but you will be surprised.

I am also going to get acupuncture done wich also helps relieve tesion in your body.

Motivatonal videos, a great one to follow is ralph stuart infinite waters. He is amazing, just by watchig his videos makes me feel that bit better. Because he also has been through it.

I am also taking natural supplements. Magnesium is a good one to take.

And meditation especially at night time helps you sleep.

See how you go with these.

It has helped me improve.