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anxiety & hyperventilation

Community Member

does anyone have constant hyperventilation, where you need to force yourself to breathe or else you'll feel like it'll stop\


also have a good day 🙂 you can do this!

52 Replies 52

Community Member
Thankyou! I find going to my appointments fun and liberating so I don't mind it at all. Anything to help with the anxiety breathing issue 🙂

Champion Alumni
Champion Alumni

Hi Rikka, I'm pleased Paul has been replying back to you, as I've been preoccupied this week.

Best wishes.


Community Member

Haha no worries and thankyou!! I just went to My psychologist appointment today and it was really great. I find that my fear and anxiety migrates so I would overthink my blinking or anything and i would get really upset about that. What really worked was tryinf to "let go" as im always so tensed up and never relaxed when im like this... So that was an amazing appointment. I'm still trying my best with it i still find myself overthibking at times and my breath is still annoying but its getting much better. It's all about challenging those thoughts and not worrying and being fearful.

Thanks guys 🙂

Community Member

Hello again! I've been watching videos on YouTube, specifically theanxietyguy and thats been helping alot. All about changing perspective etc. So im going to try to do that. At times I feel as if im fighting to gain normality in my breathing like at one point I feel it becoming normal and then suddenly I need to take in a breath again because I feel as If I'm suffocating?? So yeah it's sort of getting there. I hope there comes a day when it finally disappears.

Take care everyone 🙂

Champion Alumni
Champion Alumni

Hi Rikki, I'm pleased your psychologist appointment was positive, that's great.

With taking that deep breath, I've asked my GP about the same problem and he asked about how many pillows I slept on as I mentioned earlier, plus he prescribed a fluid tablet, which has made it better to take a deep breath.


Community Member

Hello Geoff!

My breathing is becoming normal again! It's really weird trying to breathe normally again as when im not trying to take a gasp of breath I feel my chest is tight and that I'm not breathing at all. But yeah wow what a break through. I keep having thoughts that itll come back again and that ill suddenly stop breathing its so ugh. It was such a fight to not give in to the urge to take a breath every second and to not freak out. I hope that I can fully get go the point when its not a concern and I hope me being better now isnt a one time thing. I'm so scared but trying not to be.

King regards

Rikka ☺

Champion Alumni
Champion Alumni

Hey Rikka

We love good news and thankyou

Those thoughts you mentioned can be a pain for sure. Good on you for having a positive experience with your psychologist too 🙂 You have approached this with such a positive attitude

It can take a little time to change our way of thinking where our thoughts are concerned...The more frequent the visits to a counselor or a psychologist the better you recovery

Either way we are here for you Rikka

I hope today was good to you 🙂

kind thoughts


Community Member

hey guys!!

So like an hour ago my cat accidentally bit me on my finger and it started bleeding, so I went to the doctor and she said its fine and to take antibiotics (i quickly washed it with water and put betadine), but when it first happened i had like an anxiety attack and right now i feel like theres no feeling in my hand like i have no control of it yet im typing as we speak and i do have strength so im just so confused. im having this fear my hand is gonna stop working or something like... its just so annoying to have this fear of every single little thing that happens to me! Its like i feel like my brain is disconnected to my hand, has anyone felt this before??

King regards


Champion Alumni
Champion Alumni

Hi Rikka

Yes I have felt the same too....sometimes even a small event can cause us to overreact when we are even slightly anxious. When we are over sensitized we can think the worst. You are not alone Rikka

My cat used to 'bite' me when she was over excited....and it hurt!

I have a huge Chow/German Shep Cross now.....he is about 60 kilos and doesnt bite....just plays with is stuffed toys lol

Great to have you on the forums Rikka


Community Member

Haha yeah lol she was playing and accidently bit me instead of the toy so my lil baby isnt at fault 💜 and your exactly right. I feel as if I'm so so over sensitised to every single thing, like my eyes or my voice or doing anything in general I just overthink for some reason. I wish i could keep a puppy as well 😔 but anyway yeah. I definetely do not want to live this way, where im overthinking and worrying about every single thing (like my bodily functions)

Thankyou so much for replying 🙂 I have my psychologist appointment this saturday and counsellor appointment on Thursday so hopefully I'll be speaking with then about it as well 🙂