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Anxiety has kicked up a notch

Community Member

Hello all,

I’m so pleased to have found this forum. I just need to be honest to people who understand.

Even though lockdown has been okay for my family (for which I’m very grateful) my anxiety ramped up about two weeks ago, especially the physical symptoms like chest pain and racing heart, breathlessness, lumpy throat, and insomnia. Night time is the worst. It’s been awful. I’m mostly fine to get through the day (or at least ignore it) with my kids and partner and working from home, but as soon as it’s almost bedtime, it kicks into major overdrive.

The last two weeks I’ve barely slept, unable to stop panicking and overthinking that the physical symptoms are something more sinister - anything from Covid to cancer. I know I need to see a doctor but get so stressed that what if they actually find something? Even though logically I know it’s unlikely, I can’t stop that panic in my brain and haven’t been able to even make an appt. Then I panic that it’s getting worse because I can’t find the courage to go. It’s a vicious circle.

I just read (and cried) through the whole thread about people’s symptoms. It was incredibly helpful to know experience the same things and has made me feel ... maybe not better but at least less panicked. I’m so sorry any of you have to feel this way.

I’ve downloaded a meditation app to try tonight. I can’t go another night without sleep and I have to work tomorrow. Hopefully it helps. And my goal tomorrow is to at least book a phone consult with a doctor.

Anyway, I just wanted to say all this to people who couldn’t see me ugly cry while I was doing it 😁 but who would understand. Thank you and I hope you are all okay in this trying time.

6 Replies 6

Champion Alumni
Champion Alumni

Hi Snowfall

Welcome...and you are stronger than you think, especially being so proactive to write your own thread! Anxiety is a common symptom in these difficult times Snowfall. I understand your feelings and how awful they are

Yes there are many people experiencing what we are going through....I am a volunteer on the forums supporting people with anxiety as I used to have chronic anxiety attacks. Having thoughts about physical health issues are also very common too. I hope you can make that appointment with your GP. You will feel better afterwards

Beyond Blue have a dedicated Covid-19 helpline staffed by caring health professionals...I hope you can call as you have everything to gain and nothing to lose by doing so

1800 512 348

any questions are always welcome Snowfall...There are many gentle people on the forums that can be here for you too!

we are here and listening

my kind thoughts...Paul

Thank you for your kind reply, Paul.

I’ve lived with anxiety for many years but my normal coping mechanisms haven’t been possible during lockdown, which I think has exacerbated everything. I spoke with my doctor and am feeling calmer, thanks.

Thank you again. So glad to have found the forum!

Community Member

Hi Snowfall,

im currently in the exact same situation as you, with the physical symptoms of anxiety and always thinking that it means something worse such as a heart problem etc. im a bit younger as well as im only 19 but my health anxiety has been through the roof for 2.5 months and its really hard to manage. i feel exactly the same as you.

ive had bloods and X-rays done and everything is perfectly fine, and ive seen my doctor numerous times who reassures me that it is nothing but my anxiety and mind will not let it go because i overthink every little symptom i feel and believe the worst. im so over it. ive dealt with generalised anxiety since i was


Hi Alison,

Thanks for your reply. I’m so sorry you’re feeling anxious and stressed. It’s really fantastic your results are positive, and I’m so glad for you! But I also know that doesn’t stop the thoughts and overanalysing... It’s frustrating and absolutely exhausting, especially when you *know* things are actually fine but your brain won’t let go. I really understand how to feel right now!

Did your doctor suggest any options? Are you able to speak to a counsellor or psychologist?

Hi Snowfall!

thankyou for taking the time to respond (not that we expect a reply of course)

I understand you where normal coping mechanisms are concerned....we can have difficulty getting traction during this awful lockdown. My first major anxiety attack was in 1983 when I was 23 and it was scary!

I feel stressed during this Covid-19 period yet like yourself I am trying to utilize my learned coping skills and its so very hard to do Snowfall

Sorry to interrupt your thread Snowfall for a moment...

Hey adarkbloom....Snowfall has provided excellent support above so I will be brief...The forums have a great thread about 'physical symptoms of anxiety' I have listed the link below for you as there are many new members that have posted like you have here...You are not alone


Thankyou Snowfall for your thread and being a part of the Beyond Blue forum family too!



Hi Snowfall,

im really considering seeing a psychologist, partially for this reason and also because i have a lot going on so it's a lot for me to handle (my dad recently got diagnosed with brain cancer). so it's been tough, and dealing with health anxiety hasn't helped anything. luckily the last few days i have felt better, although now i can feel some anxiety coming on so i'm trying to relax.

i hope you are doing okay and thank you for reaching out 🙂
