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Anxiety escalating rapidly

Community Member

Hi Everyone,

I figured this was the best way to try and express what i'm feeling. My writing is absolutely terrible, so please forgive me in advance.

Lately my life seems to be spiralling down and getting worst by the day and I think my social anxiety is the root cause. Nobody at work seems to like me/talk to me and it's getting me really down and the fact that I shut myself from everybody and avoid everyone is making it worst. I come to work and have absolutely no enthusiasm. Not only is there barely any work going around, but the tasks that are available, I am unable to complete or take way too long to finish because i find it so hard to approach people. I'm unable to ask for help and feel like i'm a nuisance to most people. In addition to this, the people around my desk seem to be making very toxic comments like "wish I could come to work and do nothing" which feels like its aimed at me. And the company is going through a very public redundancy period to make it worst.

I just feel like I have absolutely no skills which are valuable anymore, and feel like i'm going to jobless in the future. A similar feeling happened at my previous job, where I thought i was bringing the people I was working with down and just gave up and quit (exactly the same job duration).

I find it very hard to learn new things these days, and it's very discouraging.

This feeling is creeping to all parts of my life, and I can't even enjoy going to gym anymore and get so tired returning to home.

This anxiety has also prevented me from going out with friends (scared of being ridiculed by them) and has also led to a breakup with my girlfriend.

I really don't know what to do and feel very lost right now.

1 Reply 1

Community Member

Hi xboxusedtobefun,

Your situation sounds pretty confronting, and I can only imagine how it might feel to be so unsure about everything. For what it's worth though, your writing is just fine, and your post made perfect sense! 🙂

Do you have any prior knowledge or diagnosis of anxiety or similar? You mention that this feeling has occurred before and it caused you to quit a previous job. I am wondering if their has been any exploration around these experiences for you that may be repeating? I can appreciate that the hardest thing to do when experiencing these feelings and thoughts is to look at them subjectively, so I am curious if you have any avenue or outlet to discuss these feelings in a very matter of fact setting; for example, with a GP, counsellor or similar? Talking is so valuable, and in the absence of anyone you feel you can talk to in person, I want to encourage you to keep posting here - it's quite amazing how just speaking uncensored words about what's going on for us can help, even if only for a couple of hours! Perhaps your employer has an Employee Assistance Program that you could access? These are really valuable and exist for good reason. Is this something you could take advantage of?

I hope today is good for you, and I hope you find someone with whom you can speak freely about what's going on for you.

Keep us posted.