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Anxiety consuming life

Community Member

Hi guys, im fairly new to this .. But im just wondering if anyone else goes through this and has any suggestions?

Anxiety has started taking over my life. Im in my late teens, im to scared to go out and meet new people because of social phobia. I no longer can go to bed at ease because i get anxious someone is in the house or something will happen in the night... it got to a point of no sleep for a week and now im constantly over sleeping in the day so i can be awake at night. If i get really anxious i get sick as much as throwing up, if someone raises their voice i freeze and cry... I get to anxious to go visit a GP for help cause i don't like admitting that im struggling. I struggle to shower home alone in case someone is in the house... I get anxious from social media constantly checking my phone to make sure nothing bad has happened. I recently had someone try and get into all my accounts and i just started crying and hyperventilating.. Does anxiety consume anyone elses life like this?? Am i being a chicken for being to nervous to speak to someone about it? My partner doesn't quite understand how bad it can get sometimes either...Any advice or suggestions please help!

1 Reply 1

white knight
Community Champion
Community Champion

Hi, welcome

Nack in 1987 I had a workplace incident that left me with similar symptoms that you endure.

A therapist over 10 months reprogrammed my thinking. Every visit he’d ask what happened that week and I’d spell out my fear like you have, he’d reply “are they realistic”? Eg “scared of someone in the house? Is that concern real? Usually no- then discount it. “Do I have cancer “? Unlikely- then discount it.

Such unrealistic thoughts can ruin your life. The first step is visiting a GP. If you don’t do that then is it fair on your partner and loved ones?

Such a state of anxiety needs treatment as well as self help measures both, not either.

As far as your loved ones not understanding that is very common

google and read the first posts-

beyondblue topic they just won’t understand- why?

beyondblue topic anxiety, how I eliminated it

beyondblue topic anxiety- plan your future

beyondblue topic anxiety, how people view you

I hope they help. Reply anytime
