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Anxiety and Nicotine
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Hi everyone!
I’m a smoker (Yes, I know. I really need to quit) I have been smoking for about 12 years. Starting in late high school.
recently, I would say in the last few months. Smoking has started to give me, what I assume are, panic attacks. I can’t explain it. It’s especially prominent with my first cigarette in the morning. My heart starts racing, feels like it skips a beat, very fast, etc. I generally have to stop halfway through, sit down and do breathing exercises for it to stop. It’s strange because it doesn’t happen every morning or every time I smoke, only a few times a week.
this morning was one of the worst so far. Sparked my first morning smoke and about halfway through, I felt a strange feeling wash over my body, my heart started racing and feeling like it was fluttering and about to jump out of my chest. I also had a sense of impending doom and like I had to escape, even though I was in my apartment, which is my safe space. It scared the crap out of me, took me about 5 minutes to relax and lower my heart rate. I’ve never experienced something like that before. I’m scared to smoke now (Which may actually be a good thing)
my question is: Has anyone else experienced anything like this? I know smoking is over all horrible and we shouldn’t do it, but I don’t understand why it’s started triggering these weird sensations in me as of lately, it scares me and makes me think I have some serious heart problem.
Oh, also, I’m 27 for anyone wondering and have struggled with GAD and OCD for the past 10 years. 4 months ago I visited a doctor, who did a heart test with an ECG, and blood tests, which all came back fine.
my heart just feels off in general lately. Skipped beats and palpitations out of nowhere.
I did recently move to Japan from Australia, could this also be a contributing factor? Please help 😞
some answers and opinions would be greatly appreciated.
thanks so much!
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Hello again Kawooster,
You have had tests done and nothing came up, is that right? I could, of course, be wrong and I am not trying to make any sorts of diagnoses but it does sound like panic attacks. Symptoms include, palpitations, sweating, trembling, sensations of shortness of breath, chest pain or discomfort, fear of dying, numbness or tingling sensation, etc... . Look it up online and read about it. It is not dangerous, and it is not a heart attack.
You have a history of anxiety so I would say that you experiencing panic attacks is not so surprising.
Moving from Japan to Australia is a huge move! You might be far away from your family, maybe you are worrying about it not working out for you, etc... This is a big stressor and maybe it is related to your symptoms.
Also reading about your story, I may sense some sort of negative attitude towards smoking so maybe you feel guilty or stressed when you start smoking and it triggers your attacks. To be honest, it could be related to anything, you could have a panic attack while relaxing in a spa... They can come at any moment!
You gave someone else on the forums a really excellent advice - relax and breath when it occurs 🙂
Alternatively, you could talk to someone if you feel stressed or anxious, your GP would be a good start 🙂
All the best
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Thanks so much for writing back to me. Yeah, I know deep down that they are more than likely panic attacks, I’m just not sure why smoking all of a sudden started triggering them, it’s so bizarre. But, it does make sense.
Yeah, I’ve seen a doctor. Not just one, but three and multiple times, and had not one but yep ECG’s done last year. But, that was last year, more then six months ago, so I’m scared something has developed in that time 😞
anyway, thanks so much for your reply.
- Kawooster
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I have done chewing tobacco for 35 years. Not smoking. I have been clean for near 6 weeks now.
The chemicals in tobacco can cause palpitations and will raise blood pressure. Dehydration can cause the same as well.
When I quit I had a lot of heart palpitations the first few weeks. They have gradually tapered off. I have them when I get anxiety or do too much caffine now. Probably best to see a GP about all this. Also with you move that can bring on a lot of stress.
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Thanks for the reply. I appreciate it.
been to a doctor many times. Difficult to convince our anxious minds that nothing is wrong haha.
I might go to another GP here in Japan when this whole Corona Virus thing settles down, just to get some regular checks.
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Dear Kawooster,
I saw that you last saw your doctor 6 months ago and that you thought about going again as you could have developed something in the meantime, well why not? If that puts your mind at ease, I think it is a good idea!
Once that is ruled out, and I hope it will be, what about seeking help from a counselor or a psychologist? They would help you in "convincing your mind that nothing is wrong" as you said. I understand how difficult it can be to do this on our own, it is like saying to someone who is sad to not be sad. Really would that work? I do not think so 🙂 But with a little extra help, it is doable for sure. 🙂
All the best
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I understand what you mean.
I too am/was a smoker (trying to quit).I had my first major anxiety/panic attack about 3-4 weeks ago.
Ever since then my anxiety (which I never suffered prior that I know of) has been off the charts and smoking only exacerbated it. I started some medication for the Anxiety last week, but this sent me way up again on the first day or 2 and have gone off them due to the physical side effects. These for the past week have made me feel constant pressure on my chest, sort of like heartburn/reflux from what I am told by the gp. Random chest pains here and there and a little short of breath.
All bloods and lung sounds are clear as these have been tested 3 times in 4 weeks due to side effects of the medication, panic attacks, etc.
The moral of being a smoker with Anxiety is, there is a very good chance it will give you triggers as it has with me. I would constantly worry about my health (which we should anyhow) and smoking would push me that little bit further making it so much worse. I am still early o in my journey (1 cigarette in the past 4 days) but I am determined to get over this hump, that way, it can only make it better for my anxiety/depression struggle over the next few months.
I really hope you can give them up and remember, that subconciously, our minds have a whole lot of control over us and we can't do anything about it until we learn how to handle it. Hopefully I can learn to do it too as sometimes I feel like I'm losing my mind.
I have been lucky enough to converse with a few people on here and all assure me it does get easier and I am trying to get this over to you as well. We will get better, we just need to take a bit of time and be aware of our triggers and how to calm down.
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I’m starting to wonder if my smoking is causing my panic attacks to come back. I was a smoker and gave up for 16 years and started back up again and I’m a heavy smoker but lately my panic disorder is out of control and I’m wondering if it’s my smoking. I have suffered anxiety and panic disorder for years and I am medicated for it and I’ve had it under control for years up until recently and it’s getting worse