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Anxiety and Creative Writing

Community Member

Hey, Im trying some new approaches to deal with some trauma. Ive tried Art therapy and found it horrible, left me feeling empty, sad and hopeless, felt alone in the room. I generally am pretty positive about the world, just inwardly negative, but look to others around me not so much for support but for clarification (I wonder if thats a part of being a little on the spectrum?).

Im going to try creative writing next Tuesday and have built it up in my head to be bigger than I want. Im a little bit of a perfectionist but a lazy one so give up easily. Has anyone else tried it and know what its like in reality (not the youtube/google versions), I really want to get something out of it and the feelings Ive had writing a journal seem to be pretty positive. Also I tend to be a pretty keen observer of others (up side to hypervigilance) and feel like I can process the world better when Ive journelled people and what I think is going on - especially with compassion for them. What I really want is to connect with people and just be able to be at peace with the world and bring some peace to others, seeing other people without filters makes me happy, writing could be one way to engage better with the world. I sit here tonight and just want to escape the terror and sadness. Im not an classic extrovert but if Im not around people for a couple of days I go a little off the rails, Im awkward and a little unlikable, will writing help that? I just want to have 20 people in my life I can laugh with, message and share the beauty of the world with, even if their fictional.

1 Reply 1

Community Member

Hi kwilgbob,


What a great post. I currently engage in art therapy but different to you I really enjoy it. I really enjoy expressing myself through art and having something physical and concrete at the end of it. However there are indeed times when I am left feeling empty and/or disappointed.


I have similarly written poetry in an art journal I keep about my emotions, thoughts and values. I have even written poetry about a particular art piece I have done. I think creative writing, similar to journalling, is an amazing outlet and can be very therapeutic. I would highly encourage you pursue this. If you are interested in poetry specifically there is actually a thread on this forum dedicated to poetry written by community members: https://forums.beyondblue.org.au/t5/bb-social-zone/the-poetry-corner-post-your-poems-in-here/td-p/54... 


Let us know how you go and if you share any creative writing!

