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Not coping

Community Member

well came to Australia 2010 Met Australian Farmer, could not get my qualifications recognised, worked as cleaner for years, run farm two kids raised them Alone, as my husband went working in the city until they where 6 years of age as always little money left , Bought a local tourist park to generate income, right 1 week before covid hit and lockdown with homeschooling kids in addition our neighbour on farm has issues with our once in year escaping livestock (goats)… I am on an emotional roller coaster for a while , not happy in Australia, but feel restrained ….. but the neighbours complaint toppled me over….. feeling cold flushes crying …. In a hole…hopeless . Thanks for listening and get it off my chest . 

2 Replies 2

Community Member

Hi Guest_680,


Welcome to the forums and thank you for sharing your post. It sounds like you have been through so much and I completely understand how you could feel hopeless. When our stress bucket is full, all it takes is a something small for it to overflow. Here is more about the stress bucket analogy if you're interested: https://www.pwc.co.uk/who-we-are/purpose/social-mobility/independent-learning-week-6.pdf 


Crying and hot/cold flushes can be common symptoms of anxiety/stress. If you're able I would highly recommend seeking professional help through a GP or psychologist. It is also great that you can come here to get things off your chest and I hope the fact that we are here to listen assists you also.


If you are interested here are some anxiety management techniques available online: https://www.beyondblue.org.au/mental-health/anxiety/treatments-for-anxiety/anxiety-management-strate... 

And here are some relaxation exercises such as deep breathing available on the website: https://www.beyondblue.org.au/mental-health/relaxation-exercises 


Hope that helps and please keep us updated.



Community Member
I’m sorry to hear you have been feeling this way and struggling with this stress. I cannot even imagine how you have gotten through it all and still able to be a great mother,wife,person. I’m really hoping that you know your feelings and emotions are valid and heard. That you can always reach out for help. Anywhere and no matter how big or small as long as you keep taking baby steps.