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Anxiety and bp

Community Member
Hello fellow members have any of you ever thought that all this anxiety is damaging your heart and your life will be shortened because of this illness or have you asked your GP about it I'm sure it's not doing our heart any good which makes me feel even more anxious
2 Replies 2

Champion Alumni
Champion Alumni

Dear Goingmad,

Well done for reaching out, on what can be a concerning topic.

I would suggest that if you are concerned, you could talk to your doctor about it, and perhaps also get a mental health plan for some ongoing support.

There are also many apps out there to help you learn relaxation and meditation techniques, if you would like to give those a try?

And of course, Beyond Blue is always here, for as much support as you like.

Take care. I'll be thinking of you. xo

Dear Goingmad

I agree with Soberlicious above.

I also have high anxiety and PTSD.
I know that my bp would skyrocket at high anxiety times but for me worry = more anxiety.

So when I think of it, I do calming things asap. Sometimes this involves me having a big cry - usually at highish anxiety level.

Lately I've found watching comedy shows or familiar shows I enjoy on repeat. For ages I couldn't even laugh anything (maybe my general anxiety was at it's highest then).
Now I find these shows lower my anxiety levels.

I have many other techniques to help me.

Great you reached out over your concerns, I hope you find some help here.

Best wishes