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anxiety and bad pmdd

Community Member

my pms time in my cycle is awful.

i experience everything you can think of pre-mensturation including an increase in anxiety. the worst is my heartrate elevation. :(( its hard because there isnt much online discussion about this kind of thing. doctors have told me It’s Just Your Hormones Fluctuating... but no one else i know gets high heartrate during PMS....

i take meds to lower my heart rate but around this time of the month they either only help a little or not at all. i get anxious at night a few days before my period comes because i can feel the thumping in my chest and cant sleep.... the palps range from 80 to 100bpm

ive had ecgs and heart scans in the past, all good.

these types of palps go away when my period comes... but before that its so hard to feel ok... does anyone else experience this at all? i feel so alone.

3 Replies 3

Community Member
Hi Assj
I have really bad anxiety and depression before my period.
I don't get elevated heart rate. But my anxiety is like it is out of control. I feel like crawling out of my own skin.
It is unbearable. It is just horrible.
I get how it can just debilitate you.
I have an appointment with my gynaecologist in the new year to discuss it and further tests if they are required.
Even though your heart rate is elevated and it is around your period you may want to get referred to a specialist such as a gynaecologist and they could give you more insight. They may be able to help you with your heart rate and what it is driven by e.g. hormones etc.
I am no expert but these are the steps I am taking as I am now dreading when my period comes.
I have also downloaded an app that helps record how I feel each day, how long my period goes for and the symptoms I experience so I can take this with me as well.
You are not alone.
I get how hard it can be.

Community Member

Hi assj,

You're so not alone. I have been diagnosed with PMDD also. I have GAD and Depression also and it most definitely all get worse a week before my cycle begins and the week of. Its a difficult thing to live with. Hell actually.

What I do is try and look after myself 'extra good" for the week before and the week of cycle, knowing that the anxiety is going to get worse at this time. I try really hard to stay hydrated stay right away from alcohol altogether, really try to get as much sleep a I can (difficult for me but I try), eat really well (as many dark leafy greens as I can). I am trying to get a 30 min walk in daily, I find this helps with anxiety in general and it definitely helps for the PMDD time.

I know what you mean about the problem with sleep a few days before cycle. I have 2 nights of no sleep, like clock work, every month. Its actually how I know cycle is only 48 hours away. GP has given me a natural sleep pill for this.

My GP had mentioned Evening Primrose Oil for this time of the month, but I haven't tried it yet. Apparently some AD's can help with PMDD but I haven't had much luck there.

Hopefully you can pick something helpful out of this post, I am struggling myself at the moment so I am not sure of how much help I can be to others, apart from letting you know there are others out there with the same issue. It can be isolating to think you are in it alone.

Sending you best wishes and calm thoughts.


Valued Contributor
Valued Contributor

As with the other replies, I too get PMDD and it's disgusting! I only started getting it once I hit 40 (not sure how old you are or how long you've had it, but that's how it happened for me). My anxiety just sky rockets. I'm wondering if your elevated heart rate is related to that? I'm glad to hear you've had tests and everything has come back fine. That must provide some relief for you.
