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Anxiety after recent illness and overall anxious personality

Community Member

I was diagnosed with viral gastro in October and i went through hell before a diagnosis was possible had 3 emergency department visits and 4 weeks of sickness and tremendous pain and discomfort. AFter my diagnosis i was put on medicines and i recovered well..Howevre i found myself being very anxious and fearing that I shouldn’t fall sick again and just as fate would have it on wed i had another attack ofgastro could be because of lactose is what doctors feel and i was back in emergency for a night. Being there my anxiety and feeling overwhelmed only increased and they suggested i go for counselling. As it is i worry for smallest of things and this episode has engulfed me and i fear i m passing anxiety to my son as well. I keep checking on him since I don’t want him to fall sick or that i am the cause of it and it must drive him crazy. Even when i was healthy i worry about my mom and dad who don’t live here and are overseas and i keep looking them up. I fear loosing them , my friend lost her mom and i was so anxious for days. I have an appointment with GP who will assses me for a mental health plan and i hope i can cope with this. Does anyone here take any antidepressants and do they have any side effects? Counselling and medicines i hope can fix me and my life and i can learn to cope with life.

4 Replies 4

Community Champion
Community Champion

Dear Pallavi~

Anxiety is a horrible illness to try to deal with, it colors all one's thinking and can even make decision making over hasty and based upon worst-case scenarios.

Having that illness, then after trying to be realistic about its re-occurrence only to be taken ill again will have left a big mark on your thinking. As someone who sounds as if they have had ongoing anxious thoughts before this will have hit pretty hard.

Going to your doctor and hopefully seeing a medical professional is something that very much helped me. Not instant, but it became the start of my improvement. Therapy, plus medication helped. Incidentally that does not just mean one particular family of meds as you mentioned. I had to try a fair number to get something that suited. It took a degree of determination as hangovers are not pleasant at times but was worth it.

I also had to modify my lifestyle, exercise, nutrition, trying for restful sleep, and avoiding as many things that put pressure on me as possible (it's not possible to remove them all of course, they are a part of life).

Doing something very day to take your mind of all the hassles is important. Something in your routine to look forward to. I use reading, movies, podcasts, exercise with my partner and pets and other things . What sort of things might you have?

You might like to have a look at this thread -it is long but I've found it great:


Dealing wiht anxiety by oneself is extra hard. Do you have anyone in your life to care and support you? My partner helps me to get perspective and see things more realistically, it really makes a difference.

Going to you GP is an excellent idea. If you think you might not be able to explain properly, even in a long appointment, consider doing what I have done and writing everything down well in advance and then sharing the paper. It makes things a lot easier.

Please let us know how you go


Community Member

Hi Croix

Thank you for your reply. I did have a long consultation with my GP yesterday and he has put me on a counselling plan along with medicines. Today is my first day on medicines and i m trying to engage my mind into something positive. I was asked to download the Headspace App and walk through some meditation tips as well. While its really hard when your stomach is not at peace but I am going to try and stay hopeful and do my very best to overcome this situation. I do have a strong support from my family and they understand my situation. I just want to feel normal again out of my sickness and be able to live my life without constant worry.


Community Champion
Community Champion

Dear Pal~

I'm very glad your GP has taken action, as I said it as the only way I improved.

The meditation has always been difficult, well for me anyway. If you find the Headspace App does not do the trick after you have been trying a fair while I'd suggest the one I use called Smiling Mind. It too is a free smartphone app. Has all levels and for some reason keeps my mind focused (I do switch off the background music). It takes a fair bit of practice but I've found the trouble well worth it.

I can use it to break out of a circle of anxious thoughts, and for general relaxation to relieve stress each day too.


Community Member

Hi Croix

After talking to my GP we felt that counselling was the best part ahead and i think my recent illness has made me more anxious overall...The doc did prescribe medicines but i took one tablet and i was thrown out of my life and well being. I am not keen to go that path at all. Instead counselling will help. Plus I do feel strong enough to overcome this without medicines..The side effects were worse then my actual illness and don’t want to take them ever again. Will try the app you mentioned as well.
