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Anxiety about my cat's health

Community Member

Hi everyone. Back in December, my cat had some dental surgery and things went well. She ate well for a week afterwards, but then after that week, she started losing her appetite and having some diarrhoea. I took her back for checkups at the vet and they couldn't find anything wrong. The lack of appetite was making me really worried as she was hardly eating, even though I was hand feeding her and trying all kinds of food. This worry was affecting my sleep severely, and I just felt like I kept telling all my family and friends about it constantly. I went to another vet for a 2nd opinion and this vet was amazing. Basically this vet listened to all my worries and answered my questions. He was gentle with my cat and very knowledgeable. In the end he thought that it was likely a gastrointestinal thing. Anyway, he suggested that we give her a 1/4 tablet anti-anxiety drug, and I asked him why, did he think my cat was anxious? And he said no, a side effect of this drug is that it blocks the satiety receptors so the cat thinks it's still hungry. Anyway she ate when I got home, and slowly her appetite began to return. I suspect it was the tablet got her started, and time helped her get back to normal.

The problem is actually now with me. I formed a habit of writing down my cat's eating and toileting habits, mainly as information for the vet and myself. This notebook has become maybe another source of worry. Now I worry if she hasn't made a bowel movement every 2nd day (every 2nd day seems to be normal for her, the vet says it's common in indoor cats to go every 2nd day due to less exercise). Sometimes I worry if she vomits after eating too fast, or if I think she hasn't urinated enough. My friends are starting to get sick of me talking about her toilet habits, pretty much everyone insists she's fine now, no need to keep monitoring. But I feel letting go and stopping writing cold turkey is too hard. My concern is if I don't write stuff down, and forget an important detail when it's needed. However, there was a time I didn't clean the litter box as often, and I never used to write this stuff down, and she's been fine (must have been at least 6.5 years at least). She means a lot to me, deep down I know I've done all I can for her, and she's fine. I've been dealing with all this worry by meditating, journalling, talking to friends/family, going for walks etc. It's just I've never really worried like this before. I want to be the person I was before all this worry.

4 Replies 4

Champion Alumni
Champion Alumni
Hello that must be stressful as i know my fur babies mean the world too me 😞

Good to hear you got a second opinion and that vet was helpful
Its normal to have some concern and worry about your loved ones but if its really affecting you and taking alot of time out of your day it could be having an impact on your day
You know you have done an amazing job and are an amazing Parent to your fur baby

Glad to hear you meditate and do journaling that can help alot but have you ever thought about speaking to a professional about this such as a psychologist or counsellor as they can offer more advice and support to really help you|

Alternatively you can always contact the Beyond Blue phone service if you need
I hope this helps, All the best

Hi, thanks for your reply!

Yeah, I'm trying my best to slowly let more things go. Generally if she looks okay, she probably is. Thank you for your kind words.

I'm at the point where I'm not sure I should talk to a professional or not. I feel like I'm on the mend, but it's sometimes a bit up and down.

Thanks, back in December I did ring Lifeline and Beyond Blue once just for a chat to a person who didn't know me and could listen objectively.

Community Member

I really understand how you're feeling. I recently got a kitten and for the first few days that we had her she had toilet problems and I was so worried (I had never been so worried about anything before). She went on a medicated diet for a couple of months and then ended up fine. I still am not sure what the cause was though, and now I constantly freak out if she ever behaves differently (meowing a different way, minor things like that).

So, I understand the obsessive behaviour that you're feeling. I think the reason is far deeper than we think, we have a need to look after this little animal and when we feel that we're failing or not doing the right thing it absolutely torments us because, how hard can it be? And the fact they can't speak to us makes it harder. Then it makes us feel incapable, or at least that's how I feel sometimes. Even though I'm a great cat mum, I still feel like I'm never doing enough. God forbid I ever have children one day lol.

Your cat would be so lucky to have you as her owner. You care so much and for her, that's a good thing. Put yourself in your cats position (if that's at all possible). She would adore you, and to her you are her entire world. So, keep showing her love and try to not be so obsessive. She's okay, and there are vets for whenever she isn't.

Hope this helps in some way

Hi, thanks for your reply. Knowing that other people have felt the same way before is helpful.

Yeah, we all just want what's best for them.

Thank you for your kind words, she did a movement this morning haha. I've worked out that it generally varies a bit from about 1 day 12 hrs, to 2 days 15 hrs for her... but the movements are normal and I didn't detect any straining. So, if she remains her healthy, active self, just going to need to accept that this is her normal.

Thanks again.