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Antidepressants and anxiety

Community Member


I am struggling to get my mood and anxiety under control at the moment. I'm always tired, stressed and generally miserable. I even find everyday tasks like loading my dishwasher to be a stressful event, i feel like i'm always on the edge of breaking point.

I've been thinking maybe i should speak to my GP about trying some antidepressants and seeing if that will help me overcome the constant anxiety and enjoy life a little - but I am unsure if i can just ask for medication. I have spoken to my GP before about my anxiety issues and they kind of brushed it off and didn't offer me any medical relief, but I am at a stage now where I truly believe I need some medical help. Can i just tell my GP i want antidepressants?

2 Replies 2

Champion Alumni
Champion Alumni

Hello TMC, and thanks for posting your comment.

If you tell your doctor what you have just told us then they will make a decision because if you have a problem loading your dishwasher as it's stressful, then they will determine your condition and yes you are entitled to ask them for an antidepressant (AD).

You can see another doctor if you decide to.

Best wishes.


Community Member


I can relate to experiences of asking for some direction from a GP and feeling as though the message hasn't gotten through. I too have had this experience. However, quite recently when I approached a GP in quite a state with what I know know to be anxiety, I received a very different and swift response that helped tremendously. The difference between the experience where I felt I didn't receive any help and the experience where things were put in place for me (medication, mental health plan, offer of an ear if I need it, etc.) was in the honesty and rawness of my presentation recently; it was clear to me that I was in a very different place this time, and it was clear to the GP too.

I encourage an open and honest talk with your GP. It's a starting point, and perhaps it won't hurt to mention you've reached out before and felt unheard.

The reality is dishwashers shouldn't be beyond us! 🙂 This goes a long way to show evidence of something needing a bit of attention.

Let us know how you go with the GP should you choose to go.