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Antidepressant Withdrawal Syndrome

Community Member

Hi friends,

I wanted to post about my experience with Antidepressant Withdrawal Syndrome as during the worst of my withdrawal I spent a lot of time on forums researching other peoples experiences. I hope that this benefits others going through it.

The first piece of advice that I want to share is to ensure that you connect with a GP before you begin this process. I did not do this as I had just moved interstate, and it left me feeling very scared and alone when the symptoms were horrible. Make sure that this GP knows your history and that you feel as though you can trust them.


I tapered slightly off medication, however, I probably did not do it slowly enough. I began on a low dose for 2 weeks, and then went completely off it after that. During this time my main question was 'how long will this last!?'. I saw 2 different GP's who told me that everyone was different and that essentially, they didn't really know. During the first two weeks I did not feel any different. It was not until I completely stopped that the symptoms began. My symptoms started 2 days after stopping, and heightened on day 7 and 8. The symptoms that I experienced were nausea, dizziness/head spins, stomach cramps, lethargy, sensitivity to smell, and body aches. Strangely, although I felt extremely nauseous, when I was eating I felt better. On day 7 and 8 I could not do anything productive. I mostly slept. However, after these two peak days, my symptoms finally slowly diminished.


I am now on day 11. I still do not feel fantastic, however I am able to study for my uni courses, eat properly, read, and think more clearly. I am hoping that by Monday (which would make it 2 weeks off AD) I will have fully recovered.


If anyone has questions please ask me 🙂 I would love to help anyone going through this.

11 Replies 11

Community Member

Hi LeeA18,

I think it is amazing that you want to support your ex through this process. You're a star!

It is a very different experience for everyone, especially as people take different medications and doses.

However, for me, I reduced mine over two weeks which was way too quickly! I had horrible withdrawal symptoms. I am still experiencing headaches 3 weeks after completely stopping.

I took my medication for anxiety and not depression. I am not an alcohol or drug consumer.

My reason for wanting to come off of them was because I wanted to try and see how I could cope not being on them. When I started taking them, my life was a bit of a mess. Things had settled down and I felt ready to come off of them. Some people do stay on them for a long time though as that is right for them. I think the best way to decide if it is right for you to come off of them is to make a deicision with a practitioner who you trust.

Please me know if you have any more questions!

Hi Struggling-mum,

I wish I had this advice when I was coming off my AD. The head spins are horrible aren't they!!

Thank you so much for sharing!