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A man keeps coming to my house. I have a lot of anxiety!

Community Member
Hi, so I have camera outside my house and it has captured a man several times in my yard. At first I didn't know who he was but come to think of it he looks a lot like the builder who came to fix my shower ages ago. I have reported it to the police but the police haven't done anything. I am anxious as I think I may be being watched. Footage has come up of him standing next to my bedroom window. I don't even know why he is there.
3 Replies 3

Community Champion
Community Champion

Hello MelJan1990,

That would be so scary to know that a man is coming into your yard without your permission...I know you said you told the police about him...I’m wondering if you have shown them the footage you’ve captured on camera to the police...What he is doing is against the law and he shouldn’t be allowed to get away with it....especially if the film footage shows him peeking into one of your windows..

Please MelJan,,,be careful and if I was in your position I would continue to let the police know what’s happening and how this is making you feel.....

Good luck and my kindest thoughts dear MelJan1990.


Community Member
If you have the footage, report it to his workplace.

Community Member

Hey MJ,

I would find this quite terrifying as well. A few things you could try

speak to neighbours. Have they seen anything, if not they can keep an eye out for you.

is he coming during the day or night? If night, maybe you can get some of those garden lights or sensor lights which might deter him?

Can a friend stay with you a while if you feel unsafe?

keep all your doors locked even while you are at home

maybe keep a record of dates/times you spot him on the camera. It could be helpful down the track if the cops do actually follow up with you

i will keep my fingers crossed this can get this resolved quickly