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Youth Employment

Community Member

Hi, I'm just reaching out to see if anyone is struggling to get employed and what use might think the factors to this may be. If you do struggle to get employed how does this make you feel?

2 Replies 2

Community Member

Yes, I've been struggling to find a job for a while now. I've applied for almost everything at this point but it never works out which makes me really frustrated.

I have experience so think I can help here - so with looking for employment there a number of factors, one is how organised your resume is as this can make or break the possibility of a job interview and actually gaining one. 

When I first started out I made the mistake of putting things on it like interest's & other information that wasn't really needed as much.. using an ai resume helper eventually helped fix that - I started using bullet points & fixing other things like study/date times, better wording etc 

Another thing about applying for work is the amount of time put into actual applications involving cover letters which most of the time are a very good idea because even if you just write basics that outline why you think you are a good candidate for the role it can give you the edge needed to impress and evidently get the position desired.

The number of job seek sites used & even an agency to assist is also an ideal way to help land something as many other people with less or more experience are applying for the same positions so the employers have to go through quite a lot of applications usually & most of time only select applications that have the most suitable criteria/experience needed in the actual job role get put at the 'top' for interviews & not deemed 'unsuccessful'.


Being presentable/punctual is also very important...improved attire relating to job role.


Well that's about all I can think of right now off the top of my head, good luck in your search & don't forget these days we have choices of numerous professions so keep an open mind'

