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Why do I feel so empty?

Community Member

I mean, my life is going fine. I'm in my last year of school, got some cool friends... but why do I feel so empty? I wake up in the morning and I'm still tired, I can't focus on more than one thing or I muck things up, just the thought of talking about my problems to my mum makes me feel sick. I was brought up in the country and where I lived, to talk about your feelings was seen as a weakness, which is why I can't do it today. I lived there for 5 years so I suppose it's been moulded into my head hasn't it?

I just don't know what to do... I've heard about this site but... I really don't see how it can help. But oh well.... I'll give this a go I guess.

2 Replies 2

Champion Alumni
Champion Alumni

Hi Zoster,

Good on you for posting and giving speaking up a go. These forums are a safe place to work through issues. Noone is going to judge you for writing about how you feel because we're all in the same boat (or have been there too).

Year 12 is bloody stressful. Even if everything seems to be going smoothly there is no escaping that the pressure to decide your future is massive. Like you (I'm 33 so forgive me it's been a while) I remember feeling numb. Feeling overwhelmed and that the idea of this future looming didn't really fill me with any sort of hope.

I do think this is a sign of needing some support. If you feel awkward about talking to your Mum how would you feel about having a chat on one of the helplines?

If talking is a bit hard how about trying the K10 checklist on the BB website just to see how you score in regards to depression and anxiety? Printing the results is an easy way to start a conversation. Just showing Mum or a good friend or a teacher or other trusted adult is a quiet way of showing you're not feeling so good. Or you could print this thread even.

I grew up in rural Australia too so yep I understand the "suffer quietly and be strong" mentality. Thing is it is BS. Look at the statistics for suicide in rural areas. Proof the way we're going about it doesn't work. I bet if others in your class were asked (and spoke honestly) others would be feeling just like you too. There's no shame in it ok.

Even if you decide to keep talking here as an outlet that is ok too. The most important thing is managing these feelings safely.

I hope other younger members reply soon (yep there are plenty here). Maybe check out the social section and say hello in the under 25s cafe.


Community Champion
Community Champion


Everything mentioned by Q is correct, so I won't bother repeating. But will add...

My son is in his last year of high school also. He went through some dramaslast year with some supposed friends. Anyway, I was advanced event attended by a counsellor from his school. We spoke about what was going in re my son. Putting aside the issues of how hard the final year can be etc., He said that if my son ever wanted to talk about it, to go and see him. Are there similar services at your school? If so, they should also be able to help you out.

All the best in your final year! And welcome.