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Job agencie woes.

Community Member

Hi everyone

First time poster here,

My name is Jaiden and im 23 years old. 24 in a week and a bit!

I have been diagnosed with severe anxiety and depression as well as PTSD. I have been on HRT for a year and a bit, that and my cat are what keep me going.

2 months ago I lost my job for a number of reasons; lack of hours, being bullied and it was just getting too much for me. I have trouble leaving the house.

I'm currently on Newstart, which is causing me more headache than i thought it would and appearantly I'm not eligible for disability pension.

My job agency is horrible, the people there are unproffessional and very rude. I was meant to go back on Tuesday but i had a full blown panic attack on the day and stayed home where my girlfriend took care of me.

I called them in the afternoon, (my appointment was meant to be in the morning) apologizing for not coming in and stating why. I was met with an angry assistant giving me lip about not coming in and then she booked me another appointment for Thursday.

I called up today just making sure my appointment was today, as i didnt recieve a confirmation text, and was met with the same receptionist telling me i didnt call and make an appointment and that my payment had been suspended. And then booked me in for tomorrow, i got the confirmation text this time.

However, now im being told i need to bring a centrelink medical certificate for tuesday, which i didnt get one as i stayed home to cope? (What even is a centrelink medical certificate)

And if i dont bring it tomorrow my payment will either be cancelled or i will be "punished" by not getting a full payment.

This has been so long and I'm so sorry but I'm just not coping well and I'm scared im going to have another panic attack tomorrow before I go.

I don't know really.

Thanks for reading!

1 Reply 1

white knight
Community Champion
Community Champion

Hi, welcome

What us a Centre link medical certificate? If you don't know why are you not finding out by asking.

I'm sorry but regardless if our illnesses we have obligations. It isn't an automatic right to receive income you still have to work for it.

When you failed to attend your appointments you were at home likely. Could you attend the bathroom, make a drink or watch TV? If so then you were capable of ringing them prior to your appointment to give them courtesy so they could reschedule to save time for someone in a crisis.

Centre link are in charge of taxpayers funds so they have a duty to wisely distribute them. Jib agencies have a big responsibility to stick to centre links rules.

Carry out your obligations and work with them not against them.

Tony WK