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Centrelink and Mental Health

Community Member


Recently I have made the decision to move out of home, due to work commitments, uni and also heavily due to my anxiety and depression. I applied for a Youth Allowance at Centrelink only to be rejected due to being classed as dependant and my parents earn too much. I am 20 years old, have a part time job and study full time. I pay for everything on my own and don't get money from my parents. I am desperate with needing to move out of my home, as conflict in the house makes it difficult to be here most days. I'm now in a stump and don't know where to go from here. I earn money from my job but its not enough to move out on, and I need to take my animals with me and can't do share housing or rent a tiny unit. Any advice on this issue would be really appreciated, I am at a loss as to what to do. (Also I am not in a domestically violent home, just mental)

1 Reply 1

white knight
Community Champion
Community Champion

Hi AF, welcome

I am fairly certain that its due to you attending uni. My daughter, while at uni in the city, her entitlements depended on my income.

So, thats the way the rules are and I wouldnt waste my time dwelling on that factor.

IMO your animals restrict you the most. If you can leave them with your parents and drop in every few days thats a better situation. A bungalow in a back yard, an old caravan of your own in someones backyard etc might be something to consider. A uni friend if my daughters lived out of a hiace van. He'd visit a different park/beach every night, study, go hor a swim etc then sleep in his van. He did this till he completed uni. Got a teachers job and rented a house near work.

You have lots of thinking to do but your situation isnt unusual.

keep striving.

Tony WK