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Can't enjoy life

Community Member
I am a student currently in year 11 and this year I have struggled to enjoy and focus on things that I have enjoyed in the past (e.g. reading, playing sports, hanging out with my friends). Its getting harder each day to continue to do all of my required school work and house work and to socialise with others because I don't have the energy or mental strength to do this. I know that this is supposed to pass as thats what everyone tells me but I feel like I'm drowning in stress and anxiety.
3 Replies 3

Blue Voices Member
Blue Voices Member

Hi Lauren and thanks for sharing.

Correct me if I am wrong, but it seems that in the past you have had a healthy social life and a good circle of friends. Have you had these feelings of stress and anxiety in the past - or is it more recent? From what you have said it is a recent development. No doubt the added pressures associated with doing well in your senior years at high school has a big part to play in how you are now feeling. Unless there are other issues that you have not mentioned.

Have you spoken to your family about how you are feeling? If the feelings of anxiety are becoming so overbearing that you are not able to function as you would like, or they will impact on your studies, then I would suggest that you speak to your family and discuss the option of seeking professional intervention. A small step now may pay significant fruit for the future.

Look forward to hearing back from you.


Champion Alumni
Champion Alumni
hi Lauren, with being in year 11 or year 12 the pressure from school work certainly increases, to the point where it does decrease your time with friends and enjoying everything else you really want to do, so you have to allocate times when this could be possible, however when you don't get any enjoyment either in physical activity or mental enjoyment in other words, you don't feel as though you want to because of the stress and anxiety which everything is causing you, then you to decide whether or not you want to partake in all of these activities.
The saying 'that it will pass' is an easy way that people say to you, but it's not trying to find out why you feel this way, because that saying is in the future and not in the present, and the present is what you want to know why.
I wonder if you are doing the topics that you want to do and not what you have been told to do, because this will have a strong effect on you. Geoff.

Community Member
Hi Lauren. I'm really sorry you're going through that, studying can be a huge burden when your mind feels like it's a mess. Talk to someone you trust about it, keep talking in these threads, and if you feel it is right for you then see if you can go to a doctor, they may be able to refer you to a psychologist. I had a teacher I trusted that I spoke to about my anxiety. He helped me make plans to get through each semester. You're not alone - just waiting for those feelings to pass isn't a solution and you should be really proud for reaching out. Well done. 🙂