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was a BB member couple yrs ago now im back again

Blue Voices Member
Blue Voices Member

Hi all BB members,

I'm 21 nearly 22yr female. I was part of BB a couple of years ago when I was just new to experiencing depression, and met some good people here, people that I hope still part of the group (some might remember me, but I dought it lol) . I stopped for awhile as I had been up and down mentally, got to the point in life where it was woke up fine and felt that I had no reason to continue to discuss my issues as I felt as tho I was happy again. I had been up and down in the last couple of years and have struggled. Iv returned BB as I have experienced another type of depression in to a different extent to what I first experienced mentally. It's only the last couple of weeks I'v been thinking about my life and where I'm heading and see my self, I had come to the conclusion that I wasn't happy compared to what I had been before depression, I had weighed out some of what my issues are thats weighing me down there has been deffently alot last year that went on for me in life that had changed for me. I don't really have many people to talk to expecially at times like this when I need it I found not many people are there (basically it's hard for them to understand) I want to meet new people who will and can understand what I go/am going through and gain more friends that I can go to at times like this when I need it the most. I'm hoping to make and meet new people and friends and share my experiences and stories, and just to vent and help as well as I'm mentally and emotionally struggling and battling with my thoughts and emotions at the moment but I would also love to be in volved for support as well for others to listen and read other people's stories too:)

17 Replies 17

Blue Voices Member
Blue Voices Member

Hey 150lashes

Yeah I'm actually on leave now amd all of next week app I only had a week left tho:( I was thinking a while ago in going casual as it be so much easyer and I'd have a bit of life to be able to do alot more things and what I want to so but I'm conserned that being casual I'm not going to get GA teen teed work as I'd need at least 3 days a week to get what I get a week now as I'm still renting and my car, so I can do that but don't wanna put my self in a financial situation that puts me in an even more worst spot then I am.

But I totally see what your saying. I am trying to work on that as its another step to what I'v gotta do.

Your more then welcome.

Hope you have a good rest and a good night.

And take care

Community Member

Hi Becka,

You are more than a year younger than me, and I am impressed by how much you are doing, all while experiencing mental health challenges. Working full-time would be a challenge, especially as you need to pay bills, food shop, cook, clean etc. Would moving back home be an option? If not, maybe you could find a roommate, such as a friend or a friend of a friend? I take my hat off to you actually, as I'm still not ready yet to move out. In a few years I think I will be.

Living at home is helpful, but I do want to achieve independence. An issue I've had throughout my life is not believing in my own abilities. It's much better now. I can clean, and do basic stuff in the kitchen. I have no interest in cooking though, to be honest. I do appreciate nice food (doesn't have to be fancy though), so I will need to learn properly. I personally don't think I'll be completely domesticated until after I move out. I have one of those Mum's who automatically does a lot for others, and she is so used to cooking and doing housework. I need to help her some more.

Anyway, I am rambling!

It's great to talk to you again 🙂

Best wishes,


In late November this year I will have my psych degree, but I might go on and do an Honours if I get accepted.

Community Member

Hi 150 lashes,

I hope your little toddler is improving, even if just a bit. It's good that you two can cuddle up on the couch and watch movies. Kids movies can be surprisingly deep and meaningful! I hadn't watched Disney movies for ages, and I started watching some again in my twenties. When you watch them again after maybe a decade, there is so much more you notice or understand for the first time, such as the layers of humour, the song lyrics, specific conversations and so on.

I hope you continue to get support for the anxiety and depression. Good luck with getting your toddler well again 🙂

Best wishes,


Community Member
Sorry about the random line at the bottom of my post Becka! That is not meant to be there!

Blue Voices Member
Blue Voices Member

Hey SM

That it's been a while for me to reply. As its taken me a bit of motivation yesturday as I was feeling a little low and tired so it delayed in me responding back.

Bit that you alot for that, look I do try to deal with the day to day life and trying to pick my self up amd sometimes I find its a real effort, but I do try. Me moving back home at the moment isn't much of an option for me as its quite away, away from where I am, Plus there's nothing really back there for me. You have good intentions but don't feel you have to rush in moving out of home, when your ready and time is right then go for it, your lucky tho as it sounds like your mum is a pretty supportive and caring person to have which is a bonus as at least you can say she isn't down your thoat or putting you under that pressure of having to move out. But take it easy and go along at your pace and what makes you happy. And by the sounds of things I think your doing extreamley well considering what your studying as at times that must be a bit of work for you and stress at times, but I guess if it's something you enjoy then that's makes things so much easyer.

Hope all is going well, it's such a beautiful day to enjoy the peace, nature and sun 🙂

Community Member

Hey Becka,

Thanks for your encouraging words! I will just wait and see when I am ready for big life changes like moving out. It sounds like you have given your living arrangements plenty of thought, and are doing what is best in the situation 🙂

I am lucky that I'm close to Mum and that she is very supportive. I will make sure I do things for her when she is elderly, that's for sure! Mum is spending a lot of time with her parents, as my Grandpa has Dementia and Grandma is not coping well.

I do enjoy studying psychology. I am aware that I need to do very well grade-wise to get into Honours. There are always other options though 🙂

Never feel pressured to reply within a short space of time here. You are busy and are working through a lot. This forum is an outlet and a support-system, and we completely understand when people are absent for an extra few days or for longer. Community Champions sometimes take breaks from the forum as well if they are experiencing a relapse in their mental health, or if they need time for other personal reasons.

It is a lovely day in my city, as it sounds to be in yours too! I watered the garden before, so that got me outside briefly 🙂

Enjoy your day, and hopefully you are feeling better than yesterday 🙂

Best wishes,


Blue Voices Member
Blue Voices Member

Hi SM,

So sorry thats its been awhile since iv replyed, iv been pretty exhausted and run down the last couple of days and just cant be bothered to do anything. So was not trying to ignor everyone just ended up having abit of down time. Sorry to hear about your grandparents, i know how you feel as im going through ansimilar thing with mine, my grandma is in permanet care now with elzimers and my pa isnt coping all that well, but i suppose thats whay happeneds when this time comes.

Its also good that your studying something that you do enjoy as it helps. Sounds like a lot of hard work, so i think your doing very well for yourself at the moment with studdying what you are studdying and going through what you are going through, such a strong person 🙂

Todays been pretty funny weather day today but hasent been tobad though, how is the weather where you are how is your weekend going? Hope your having a lovely weekend. I start back at work on monday not really keen on going back) but i guess i shall manage to sort work out at some stage.

Hope you enjoy your day

Xx Becx

Community Member

Hi Bec 😄

Don't worry at all about the slight delay in replying. I know you are definitely not ignoring me! The forums are never intended to be an overwhelming commitment or something that adds to worry 🙂 At the moment I have been on the forum more than usual, as I'm particularly enjoying it lately, and I've also discontinued a work role.

I hope you're doing alright today, and are feeling more rested. Down time is essential! It is hard when Grandparents start to age faster and have health problems. Thank you for saying I'm a strong person by the way. I don't always see myself as strong, but I can be at times.The weather here is beautiful today. It's warmer than yesterday 🙂 I'm having a really nice weekend so far! I hope you're enjoying yours too. Good luck on Monday. Make sure you eat a good breakfast that morning!

All the best,