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Struggling with anxiety and depression

Community Member

Hi everyone. I am a woman with adult children currently struggling with anxiety and depression. I feel very unsure of myself and my ability to cope with the situation I currently find myself in. I have had these conditions before, and was able to get better but this time around am only on medication prescribed by my gp. In the past I have been under the care of a psychiatrist and psychologist but have moved to the country and these options are not available to me here. Does anyone know of any strategies I could use to help me stop catastrophising and worrying about the future. I am not sleeping well either, and find this very draining.

Any suggestions would be gratefully received.

2 Replies 2

Champion Alumni
Champion Alumni

Hi Magpie Mia,

Welcome to Beyond Blue. And well done for reaching out.

One of the things a very wise friend once said to me was to look at what IS, rather than 'what it's. N other words, keep your mind in the moment by focusing on what you can see, hear, taste, smell and feel right now.

For example, I had terrible anxiety when I was young due to being in a bushfire, and for years afterwards I could be triggered by a sunset. It wasn't until I was taught to focus on what was real, rather than imagined - IE; no visual smoke in a sunset, no smell of smoke, and no flames, no alarms going off etc - that I began to be able to calm myself and bring my thinking back to right now, rather than back then or the 'what ifs'.

Also, there are herbal supplements available for help with sleep. Maybe you could give those a try for a month or so?

Please note that I am no professional, just a fellow human who has experienced anxiety.

There may also be a counseling service available through your local community health Centre.

In the meantime, the BB community is here for you and with you for as much or as little as you want.

Take care. Hope that helps a little. Xo

Community Member
Hi. I am also depressed, anxious, with an adult child. I also live in a rural town. Have you enquired of your GP about getting a mental health care plan? I have had sessions with a psychologist arranged by a medical center, which was free, and I know of friends who have had similar counseling arranged by their GP. If this help isn't available locally, perhaps you could travel to a town nearby.