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So called friends and people in general trying to knitpick my personality ..

Community Member

Honesty not sure if it's cause I'm confident outspoken good persoanlity I had this friend a while ago and she was literally picking on 2 3 things about me . Like I'd be fine if it's one thing but the fact your coming at me with like 3 things just pisses me off and is just rude. Makes me think she's definitely got some insecurities her self ... like I just felt judged especially when I'd also gone out of my way to meet her last year too to my understanding well I had a good night anyway I thought we had some good chats but yeah it was like this and that etc. I think there's deffs a fine line between knitpicking someone and then just bringing one thing up ... idk

1 Reply 1

Hi Hannahmk, 

Thank you for posting to the forums, we're sorry to hear you've been experiencing some friendship issues. We know that every relationship has its ups and downs but you have the right to feel respected always. It never feels good when someone is picking on us, maybe if you are feeling comfortable it may be worth having a calm discussion with your friend letting them know how it is making you feel? Communication is important but knitpicking can impact our self-esteem and make us feel unsure in ourselves.

Our lovely community members may be able to relate and share some of the wisdoms that have helped them. In the meantime remember you can always call the Beyond Blue counsellors if you’d like to talk this through on 1300 22 4636 or on our online chat. 

Thank you again for sharing and please know we are always here to listen.

Kind regards, 

Sophie M