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seeking online support buddies

Community Member


my name is bettina and i am new here, i was wonderering if anybody would like to become "online suport buddies" with me to help me overcome my mental health issues. im currently not seeing a counselor/support group nor have any friends due my current circumstances, im 27 years old.   

17 Replies 17

Community Member


Just checking in...

Hope everyone is surviving. I had a really bad week but I guess we all are.

Stay safe everyone. Oh and feel free to drop me a message or contact me via posts!

Community Member

Dear Bettina,

It's the Moderators Cat you want to be friends with.   To cross reference the movie "Pretty Woman" when the manager says "The maids know everything".   Well, the Moderators Cat knows EVERYTHING.    

I've been responding for 2 years and have a good friendship with the one they call Geoff who has 2 dogs in his avatar.   The old BB site had a whole bunch of about 12 friends in a closely knit core but only a few transferred to the new BB site - Scotty2013 is one.   Scotty used to joke that all we needed to fix ourselves was a bit of burnt pavlova, or burnt pav.    We used to joke about that all the time when support was needed.  Plus, 95% used their real names.

I find the number of new members very encouraging although I'm still a bit perturbed when I am responding to an anonymous user name (without gender) that seems more like a title from a Stephen King novel.  But, that's the new system.

I hardly post at all - maybe once every couple of hours........I would have to say that any responding or posting is beneficial.   You can't always get such a diverse advisory canter when you are sitting in the stirrups of the counselling chair.  So, Tally Ho !  Or as the latest "Lone Ranger"movie led to clarifying, it's "Hi Yo Silver !" NOT "Hi Ho Silver !".   

I hope you find your own "Hi Yo" or "Hi Ho" in these Boards.  And be nice to the moderators.  The line between rant and abuse is ever correcting.

Adios, David.

PS   A GP can put you on a Mental Health Plan and organise free counsellinig.  Mmm.  Probably should have put that first.  But, experience has taught me that most will respond to the last bit of info first in a post or email.  We tend to be friendly on BB as we are in similar situations within our uber communities.

Community Member

Hi Bettina & all the group

I've had Anxiety in the past like many years ago and has resurfaced recently.

I thought I was trying to help my family with their respective health issues to find out that the Anxiety has just returned to my disappointment.

The reason I got upset because I've gone out on a limb to help this relative but between him & his mum it felt like I was being rejected. So the moral of the story is in future don't help relatives that don't appreciate me.


Community Member

Hey Bettina, I'm new here but feel welcomed already by the wonderful people on this forum. I would gladly love to be a support buddy with you and help you with advice if I can and no doubt will learn from your experiences as well.

I couldn't agree with David more with about going to your GP to organise a MHP. It's a tough first step but a very rewarding one.  Plus you have us here to help you along the way.

Take Care,


Blue Voices Member
Blue Voices Member

Hi guys,

Also new here. I'm having a fairly good run lately, having been off medication for depression, anxiety and massive mood swings for almost 12 months, but I've joined up hoping to find a way to help others have the same success and become as fortunate as I. I'm 24, regional background, and have seen too many friends end their own lives to not try and help others.

Community Member

hey bettina 🐵

anytime u need a ear 


Community Member

Hi everyone, 

I also am new to this site. I'm 27 and have anxiety and panic attacks ( hopefully not for much longer ) I am welcoming all new friends 


dear Shattered_soul, even though it's been bad for you, it was good to hear from you.

Do you want to reply back to us. Geoff.