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Seeking help/guidance

Community Member
I have been going through a real hard time I would say the last two years.
I was diagnosed with post natal depression. I am on medication.
I don't even really know what to say
1 Reply 1

Blue Voices Member
Blue Voices Member

Hi Lanabanana and warm welcome to our forums

You've made a start and that's really very good. It can be so difficult taking the first step of reaching out. Now that steps been taken, you may find it easier to know what to say.

Post natal depression I'd imagine is very difficult and I wonder if your doctor referred you to any support services or health professionals? For example, do you know about PANDA (Perinatal Anxiety and Depression Australia)? This organisation helps people with PND. Their phone number is 1300 726 306.

Also, is there anyone in your family or friends you can talk to?

You're not alone Lanabanana. Feel free to browse, to search and to join conversations in our forums.

I can imagine one of the biggest things is all the changes that have occurred since having your bub.

Keep reaching out if and when you want to.

Kind regards
