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Hi from a new member

Community Member
Hi to All, I'm grateful to have found this site.
I've never been diagnosed with depression, not by a doctor anyway, I've no doubt I have a degree of depression, I also don't have much time for doctors.
I have a fair bit of right brain/left brain conflict in that I can see from my track record that I'm an ok and worthwhile person, but emotionally I don't feel that this is the truth, my internal dialogue is mostly pretty negative. This is as a result of my being particularly susceptible to the negative messages I was fed as a child.
Where this has left me, in my 50's at times struggling to find joy in life, I can have a very bleak outlook and this affects my relationships, I have a shitty tendency to project what I'm feeling and thinking.
I'm an emotional eater, I call it my last substance abuse issue. I quit smoking a decade or more ago, I stopped drinking three or four years ago, but I've no clue how to get a handle on my eating, because my 'substance abuse issue' is a coping mechanism and until I've dealt with what I'm coping with then there'll be coping mechanisms.
I've been to healing retreats that work to heal the emotional trauma suffered as a child, I learned a lot about myself and people in general, but was less successful at processing the traumas from the past that have made me who I am. I learned enough that I assisted others process their own trauma and gain a degree of relief, but never was able to break down that wall and allow my self to be vulnerable and open enough to process those hurts.
I've tried other stuff, counselling, resets, etc, I've yet to find a good fit that offers a more permanent fix. I refuse to use antidepressants, I firmly believe that my best path lies elsewhere, I'm mostly coping and not suicidal, if that changes I guess I'd have to investigate the chemical way, but not before.
So that's me, in a nutty shell, it's so much more convoluted than that, but there's a time and space limit and I guess an attention limit too. If you got this far thanks heaps for reading and bless youse All.
3 Replies 3

Blue Voices Member
Blue Voices Member

Hi dkr and welcome to our community

Life has been difficult for you. Though you have done a lot of work to help you move on. My heart goes out to you, as I understand what you have been through.

My life has been a similar journey. However, even though I was fed loads of negative stuff as a child, I revolted against negativity and always think positively about things happening around me, though I retain my negative image of myself. During my recovery there have been a lot of excellent psychologists who've provided tools to help shift the negative thinking about myself, to help increase my self worth and self esteem. There are many different ways to make these changes so I'd be looking for a health professional that could give me a helping hand to move my thinking about myself.

Have you looked at the MindSpot Clinic at all? They have courses for anxiety and depression to help manage symptoms. There webpage is - https://mindspot.org.au/course-finder

Also, have a browse through our forums and do searches using the search tool at the top of our page. You're not alone.

Hope some of this helps dkr.

Kind regards


Community Member
Thanks PamelaR, I'll look into Mindspot and read through more here.
I envy your positive outlook, I'm not wired that way.
All the best.

Blue Voices Member
Blue Voices Member

Hi dkr

Thanks for that - nothing to be envious about. Being positive all the time does have it's downfalls at times. The big thing I think is people are able to change the way they think, even when they don't think they can. It comes to perspective and whether one wants to change or not. You may not be ready to change - that's okay. When you are, it is good to know you can make changes to the way you think.

Kind regards
