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Overwhelmed : Which way should I take next

Blue Voices Member
Blue Voices Member

I studied Engineering and migrated to Australia in 2007, after working for 7 years I havnt made much progress in my job and feeling wasted.

I had other passions in life , Art , Sociology, etc,

My Psychologist suggest I should do something in my field but more challenging to give me the feeling of growth.

I suggested Data Scientist.

But still thinking I dont have much time, Should I do data scientist or PHD in Sociology?

2 Replies 2

Community Member
I feel like you gotta follow your heart. Do what you love. Data Scientists sounds kind of boring to me but if that's something you find fascinating do it. I'm unsure if a PHD in Sociology is likely to get you a good paying job though but that's just a guess. Oh, and time is unlimited so it doesn't matter how long it take if you enjoy it right?

Valued Contributor
Valued Contributor

Welcome SARA M

Seeing we humans are definitely fascinating and sometimes quirky creatures in regard to the way we tick, perhaps it's curiosity that leads you to consider sociology. Data science, engineering and art are also magnets to an analytical, curious and constructive mind.

My daughter is in year 11 this year and late last year went through the challenge of having to choose subjects relating to a possible career. I suggested she consider careers which relate directly to who she is (strong minded, natural leader, caring etc). My advice to her was 'Choose things in life which feed your nature'. Whilst imagining money and time were not an issue (which they typically are in this world), which career do you feel naturally drawn to, data science or sociology? You can take it even further and analyse the career paths that come out of sociology, for example. Which of those career paths excites you even further? Which paths could you see yourself identifying best with?

It's definitely tough making these sorts of choices in life, for a number of reasons. I think one of the greatest of challenges involves consciously choosing a shift in our identity. it's rather weird when you think about it but one of the things we're typically not taught as kids is how to choose and navigate identities which lead us closer to knowing our most authentic self. We tend to be given identities instead a lot of the time, such as daughter, scholar, sibling and so on. We actually didn't even get to choose our own name. On rare occasions our guardians/parents will fuel our nature. I know a woman whose daughter loved dinosaurs as a kid. That kid is now, as an adult, a paleontologist.

One of the most powerful things I've ever read in regard to choosing a career path, is a piece of advice I've passed onto my kids: Do not ask 'What do I want to do?', instead ask 'Who do I want to be?'

Take care Sara, on your path of self-discovery