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OCD support

Community Member


I have just signed up in desperation. After years of on and off struggling with what I thought was anxiety I realised last night it is more likely OCD. I am having a particularly bad weekend and feeling dreadful for my partner and daughter. I am sure there is no quick fix, but anything a little bit helpful would be hugely appreciated! I listened to Penny Moodie interview with her husband and related too it. Any other podcasts someone with OCD in particular Pure OCD could recommend? Thanks in advance

7 Replies 7

Champion Alumni
Champion Alumni

Hi Emma Mary,

Im sorry you are dealing with OCD I also suffered with this condition and have now recovered thanks to the professional help that I received.

If you haven’t been diagnosed yet I encourage you to have a diagnosis I was diagnosed by a psychiatrist.

OCD is a very cruel condition and it’s a vicious cycle but it’s a vicious cycle that you can learn to break free off.

I did a 8 week group therapy this therapy was an intervention into the OCD.

I have written two threads you may be interested in reading

From someone who suffered with OCD and recovered

Effective treatment for OCD Metacognitive Therapy

( just type this into your search bar)

Please know your not alone many people have this disorder.

Please ask me any questions

Champion Alumni
Champion Alumni

Another thread I have written is:

OCD Taboo Thoughts Perinatal

I understand that you are feeling dreadful for your daughter and husband……. When I went through OCD after having my children I experienced horrible intrusive thoughts around them which made me feel terrified.

It may be worth a read for you 😊

You really CAN recover from OCD hold onto hope…… there is a way forward…

Please ask me any thing

Thank you Petal22, I really appreciate your reply. I am in the process of getting a care plan and hoping to get help soon. I hate that I have wasted a whole weekend in this head space but am finding it so hard to pull myself out of it. I know in time I will be able to see my thoughts as illogical but right now they are so big and real! Thank you again 🙏

That’s ok Emma Mary , it’s not your fault ….it’s hard when you are caught up in the OCD cycle it’s really unrelenting.

When you feel yourself getting caught up in the cycle and having intrusive thoughts ..try to put your attention on something in the present moment and not what’s happening inside your mind.

Meditation is great look for a guided meditation for learning to watch your thoughts.

The OCD cycle and is vicious you need to be taught what keeps you in your cycle and then how to disengage from it.

“What if “ questions is something that keeps you in your cycle……

Seeking reassurance is a compulsion and will also keep you in your cycle.

Questioning the thoughts is part of the cycle

Analysing the thoughts is part of the cycle…

The trick is to recognise when you are doing these things and then try to stop doing them…. It takes practice

How is your husband coping with it all?

Are you able to talk to him about the way you are feeling?

that’s great you are getting a care plan, please ensure you see a clinical psychologist a clinical phycologist can diagnose a normal psychologist can’t….

I’m here to chat to you…..

Hello Emma Mary, I am truly sorry this is happening, but if you can do the 'OCD online test' might help you and with intrusive thoughts which I have had, I've found out that none of them come true, it's just a worry that we continually think of every now and then, causing great concern that are only a thought.

If you can google 'About the OCD Stop Program' as well as 'online help for OCD' these may also help you.

Just to let you know I did an online OCD course which helped while doing it, but when it finished it all came back and it depends on how bad your obsessions/compulsions are, but please know you aren't alone with this.

Best wishes.


Community Member
Thanks you so much for your message Geoff. It’s nice to know that I am not the only one. I will look into the test and program.

Community Champion
Community Champion

Hi there,

pretty sure i am the same! all my life i thought my intrusive thoughts were just anxiety but studying psych has made me realise that i probably have a bit of both!

I think another important step would be to speak to your doctor about potentially seeing a psychologist - would this be something you would be open to?

i hope things start to improve,

jaz xx